• Buddies,  Life Lessons,  spilling my guts,  Tis the Season,  Washington D.C.

    Good Times, Good Friends…


    The end of my visit here in D.C. is looming and I’m starting to get that gut ache of anxiety, knowing I have to go home and face some big scary changes in my life. I know good things happen to people who make them happen so I am determined not to let this low-lying fear get the best of me but it’s there. Of course it’s there. I keep telling myself that if anyone is capable of this big change, I am. But still, the doubts are vicious.

    My friend Heather gave me a silver bracelet that says, “And lo, I am with you always” to remind me that I am never alone. God is with me. The bracelet slides up and down my arm all day long. I constantly find myself fiddling with it, sticking it inside my sweater, pushing it on top, twisting it around and around… I don’t really wear much jewelry normally and all this clinking and scraping on my laptop would usually drive me crazy but now I welcome it’s peskiness. The more I am reminded of this bracelet, the more I am reminded of why I am wearing it. Clink away, silver bracelet!

    waiting for baby

    So while my anxiety is unrelenting, I am trying to ignore it and enjoy my last few days here. The baby has not come yet and we are all resigning ourselves to the fact that she probably is going to take her own sweet time. The baby’s room is painted (Thanks to Troy! I didn’t help at all. Boo hiss!) and a new dresser (which I helped pick out) has been assembled. It feels so good to walk down the hall and catch a glimpse of a sunny yellow baby’s room just waiting for someone to be born and claim it.

    sunny yellow baby's room

    little chucks

    (Little Chucks!)


    This weekend the Beach Mama family came to visit which was really really nice. I might think of this part of my life as a low point but really it should be a high point because now more than ever am I reminded how good it is to have a support network of really good friends who make me laugh and smile and enjoy the day-to-day.

    girls rule!


    I just wish they could have stayed a little longer!

    eager eaters

    I almost forgot to blog about our Thanksgiving dinner! We actually didn’t cook a turkey, we had ham. And we had Thanksgiving dinner the day after Thanksgiving because everyone was in various stages of being sick, not to mention we’ve been on baby watch and we didn’t want to be caught up in anything elaborate or complicated if we might have to rush off to the hospital at any minute. But Bethany pulled off some of her usual magic in the kitchen and we had a fabulous feast.

    little roasted potatoes balsamic bacon beans

    Spiral-cut ham, smashed potatoes, garlic-rosemary roasted potatoes and green beans with bacon-balsamic vinaigrette and the piéce de resistance was the dessert: mini pumpkin cheesecake.

    baby pumpkin pies!

    Oh my goodness these are so good. If you like butter, cream cheese, sugar cookies and pumpkin pie, you should definitely click over to Bethany’s site and get the recipe. They are wreaking havoc on my secret plan of getting down to a size six, I mean eight…ugh, never mind.

  • 15 minute posts,  Alpha+Mom post,  B reviews,  Buddies,  Tis the Season,  Washington D.C.

    A Quick Update

    thankful for turkey

    A list:

    1. Bethany has not had her baby yet. Maybe she’ll have it today and it will be a turkey baby! But we’re not having turkey for Thanksgiving. Everyone agreed that ham would be much easier than hauling around a heavy turkey, trying to fit it in the already very crowded refrigerator, waiting however many hours turkeys take to thaw, pulling the guts out and then cooking it all day long. We’re thinking quick and simple: ham.

    2. Bug and I had some sort of stomach virus yesterday and last night. It seems to be a 24-hour thing so I think we will be better in time for our official Thanksgiving Ham festivities.

    fall sky

    3. The weather is getting colder and snappier and I kinda like it. I was outside at 1am this morning hosing puke off towels and it was downright nippy as I stood there in my pajamas and bare feet.

    winter trees

    4. I have squished two crickets in my shoes. It was just as gross as you can imagine. Thankfully, I had socks on. I’ve learned to leave my shoes upstairs where there are fewer crickets. It’s not like the Actuallys’ house is overrun with crickets or anything but they’ve been doing renovations on a room in the basement and I think the bugs have been coming in through the open holes. That room is all finished now so hopefully the cricket population has been curbed.

    5. I’ve got a bunch of reviews up on my review website for you guys to read if you’re into that sort of thing. The V8 V-fusion + Tea one is still going. It will be open for comments until December 10th. You guys rocked with the comments by the way. Now I just chuckle when I see somebody clueless typing in what their favorite flavor is. I love having a secret inside joke with you all.

    6. Bug and I also reviewed some toys just in time for Christmas-present shopping! Spikey the dog is pretty cute, click on over and tell me what you’d name a furry robotic dog if you had one. And while you’re at it check out our video for Weebles! I had big visions of creating a super creative movie for this post but then stupid Apple went and completely changed iMovie and left me banging my head against my laptop monitor. The good news is it’s short and sweet.

    my mess

    7. I’ve got a new craft up over at Alpha+Mom. This one was really fun. I pretty much took over Bethany’s dining room for three days making a big mess while I thought it up. (Don’t worry it won’t take you that long. I just have to test everything.) So today for Thanksgiving I’ll be cleaning up that mess. Good thing I like cleaning.

    Happy Turkey Day, everyone!