• Buddies,  Bug,  crazy stuff,  Secret Spy Stuff,  travel

    and other reindeer games

    I like my new hat

    I haven’t blogged in so long you probably thought I died. I bet you thought that big fat Pop-Tart haunted mansion from my last old moldy post fell on me and killed me dead. I can just see my avocado green and black striped witch tights sticking out from underneath the house like the wicked witch of the West.

    a day in the life

    Nope. I’m still alive. Some days barely.

    I have actually been buried in work, which is a good thing because I’ve finally decided to ramp up my freelance business and become an official working mom. I’m not working in an office or anything but I am rocking and rolling on some big freelance jobs. I hope to have my business website up in a week or so. I’ll share that with you when it happens. It’s pretty exciting. Not a mind-blowing design or anything but at least it will be something so my prospective clients can see what I really do. If you know anyone looking for a graphic illustrator, put the word out for me. I’ll love you forever!

    In other news, I am still in Texas! As you would expect, I’m picking up the drawl and people are starting to think I’m a local yokel. I love it here. The food, the people, the great expanses of green space…if I weren’t so attached to California, I’d move here in a heartbeat.

    on a mission

    Bug has been having a blast. She thinks she’s the OMSH family’s long-lost fourth kid. They play all sorts of crazy complicated games while I work away on my laptop in the schoolroom. I have to admit it tickles my heart to see her sneaking around with the gang, plotting elaborate spy games while armed with a pink hat, a pink puffy skirt and a Nerf gun. It’s a very refreshing sight since I’m about as sick as one can get of playing kitty and being named “Flower.”

    this is a hold up, give me all your money

    “Stick ’em up! Give me all your money!”

    What? The pink skirt and pink hat aren’t intimidating enough? (They are actually pink, not red. Forgive my poor photography.) How about that red laser beam piercing your forehead? Just kidding around. Isn’t her hat cute? Sonja made it for Bug to match mine because now that I have a new red hat Bug thinks her old blue one is just not girly enough. She loves her new hat and even though it hasn’t been a bit cold here she wears it around the house regularly.

    in the trenches

    about to bark flanking

    I know these pictures are not the best quality. That’s what I get for backlighting people and shooting in low light but I thought they told a good story. I just wanted to let you know we are still alive and kicking. Or at least Bug is. I’m sitting my butt in OMSH’s funky green office chair and cranking on freelance work.

    bandits holing up

    I hope to have more tales for you soon! In the meantime don’t miss my Bowly Bowl post (yes, I wrote an entire post about bowls) for your chance to win $100 before I close up the comments on Monday!

  • Buddies,  Bug,  travel

    Hello Texas


    Bug and I took a spontaneous trip to Texas this last Wednesday. We just up-in-a-flurry got on a plane and flew off to my good friend OMSH’s for some good old-fashioned Texas-style TLC. It’s very green and peaceful here.

    the deer are thick curly horse

    When we arrived after our two-hour drive from the airport and pulled into OMSH’s driveway, Bug said with her eyes popping out of her head, “It looks like you live in a forest!” We’ve never really seen green spaces like this outside of camping. I assured Bug that there were no “big bad wolfs” but there are plenty of deer. Every morning we watch families of mother and baby deer make their rounds through OMSH’s backyard. It’s like she lives at the Wild Animal Park except there are no buses full of people driving by.

    omsh in her school room portal to another world

    Since this was a last-minute trip and we sort of sprung ourselves on OMSH with very little warning, we’re trying really hard not to disrupt her normal routine of homeschooling. It’s fascinating to watch them in action. I love her schoolroom.

    shelves of learning

    It’s so bright and cheery everywhere. It makes me want to pull up a chair, open up my laptop and work work work.

    school room stinky Jack

    So yesterday I did. I got more work done in one day than I have in the last month. It was amazing. OMSH let her young son Kenny sneak out of some of his lessons so he could keep Bug occupied playing for hours and hours. Bug has been in heaven. All these kids to play with! She’s going to cry real tears when we have to go home.

    Kenny's room

    Meredith's room curly branches

    They made a massive tent in Meredith’s room (which is ALL PINK, much to Bug’s delight) and played some complicated counting dart game that I have no idea what the rules were. There have been Legos, puzzles, coloring, chasing the dogs and then outside playtime of course.


    Thank you Texas, you’re just what we needed.

    * * *

    In other news I have another Share Your Story post up on my review blog. Please head on over and comment! I’ve got to give that $100 to somebody. It might as well be you!