B reviews

Camping in the Backyard: brought to you by REI

The Tent

You may have noticed my tent in my last post about camping on Labor Day Weekend. That’s the tent I bought with my REI gift card back when I toured their store a month ago. Remember that post? Little did I know my tent would come in so handy! In the rain even!

Anyway, I took the photos below when we did a little test run in our own backyard about a month ago.

backpack supreme

I also bought that backpack with the whistle in the buckle. I figure if we go hiking I’d definitely want something loud to scare away the mountain lions. Plus Bug really liked that it had a bladder in it and I think being able to sip her own water might make it more fun for her to carry her own bag. We’ll see.

I don't know how to put up a tent! hmmmmm....

We decided to take our tent on a maiden voyage to our backyard. We do have an awesome backyard after all. We might as well enjoy it. It cools down really nice out here in the desert and I’ve been wanting to sleep outside for a while.

So we set up the tent.

Where does this go again?

That was fun. Actually, it was really easy. I love how the tent poles just snap onto the tent instead of having to thread them like the old ones. So much easier!

this should be easy

It was so easy even a five-year-old could do it. Sort of.

tah dah!

Tah dah! We were so proud of ourselves.

proud tent putter-upper

Please forgive my backyard camping hair. Actually, that seems to be my all-summer-long hair. It’s so stinkin’ hot out here I can’t stand a bit of my hair to touch my face.

Hi Mom!

we're camping in the backyard!

And then we went inside and enjoyed the peaceful evening by having a massive tickle fight.

by the moonlight


I can’t wait to take it on a real camping trip!

What outdoor activity do you pledge to do with your family this summer and how would a $100 REI gift card help you get there? Take the REI Outdoor Pledge and submit your comment to be entered.

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  • June

    We’d like to take our kids gem mining in the mountains again. We made one trip up but didn’t camp due to lack of supplies and heat of July. The kids want to camp in a tent next time. Sept/Oct would be perfect if only we had camping gear!

  • Samantha

    I love camping! We try to got at least 1x a year. But my parents would take us all the time. I just love OUTSIDE! Biking to work, walking to the mailbox, a blanket on some green grass!!!

  • Ryan

    I grew up camping and can’t wait to share that with my kids. They’re still little but old enough to go on short age appropriate hikes. An appreciation of nature and the outdoors is something we should all instill in our children. Sounds like you had a great first camping experience!

  • Janice

    I took the pledge and could use an REI gift card to purchase safety equipment for our bikes. We to add some reflectors to make them safe to ride in the evenings. We also need a bike rack for our car.

  • Kristine H

    Great contest! I took the pledge and would love to use the REI giftcard towards our bikes. My husband and I love to ride the trails near our house and this weather is perfect for it!

  • Ashley C

    I would love to go camping with my husband and little girl!!! Neither one of them has ever been camping…my parents and I went camping all the time when I wad a child!!! We loved it..this giveaway would help us go camping..thanks for the giveaway!!

  • alaina

    We would need sleeping bags and tent. I really want to start with some hikesnto get our boys used to the outdoors.I have never slept outside ever but that will probably change since i have 2 boys.

  • Olivia

    I would love to take my family out for a camping trip to see all the beautiful fall colors once the weather cools off a bit. There’s nothing quite like sitting around a camp fire to stay warm and then snuggling down into a cozy sleeping bag and falling asleep to all the sounds of the outdoors.

  • patricia A

    We camp with our little one all the time. We love it! He was less than 3 months old when we took our first camping trip. It’s a great way to see some amazing places in this beautiful country for pretty cheap (lodging-wise). Also, my husband is into mountain climbing. Sometimes I think I should start having his mail forwarded to REI.

  • Amy S

    We have a tent already…but an REI gc would help us stock up on new sleeping bags for us and the kiddos BTW…the scenary in your pics looks very familiar, I wonder if you were camping in our neck of the woods?

  • Erika

    we would love to replace our well worn tent. We took the pledge to go hiking, probably this weekend as the weather is looking great for that!

  • Phil

    We go camping at least 3 times a year. I grew up camping and so did my wife. Our kids look forward to it so much and it’s a great time to avoid all the technology.

  • Loraine

    I am a newly single mom (son is 20 but lives at home going to college and working part-time.) My new frugal budget is headed for my savings account for retirement…a hopefully fun & active retirement. I can’t wait to read more of your posts and this one on camping reminded me I’ve not been camping with family and friends since i was a scout leader for one of my son’s cub scout troop. Weather is great, so I think we will break out our tents soon!

  • Melinda

    We just found a great state park we visited on Labor Day that we want to camp at! We do have a tent, but know nothing about & have no supplies concerning cooking outdoors!! I would love to visit REI to learn more & use the gift card for cooking gear/cooler/etc.

  • Gary Brunero

    I grew up in a camping family, but have never taken my kids! I think marshmallow roasting, stories, and a lake sound just about perfect!

  • Brooke R.

    I’d love to do more hiking and one of those backpacks that I can hoist my ten month old daughter into would be fantastic!

  • angie

    I would love to take more hikes and country trips, maybe including some picnics etc. One thing they have that would be great for any of that is the KIND Fruit and Nut Bars! They are all natural and vegetarian and come in 5 different flavors so everyone could get what they like! Great for on the go and you could just stick one in your pocket or backpack!

  • Abigail

    What activity WON’T I do with the card?? I’m partial to camping (at Leo Carillo Park in Malibu) and would get a few more of the camping luxury items I haven’t been able to justify in the past.

  • Donna B.

    I pledge to go camping which my son LOVES! Winning the gift card would allow me to buy a sleeping bag (my son has one, I don’t)

  • Leah Walker

    So fun. I want to go on a camping trip with my family before my daughter graduates high school next year. We do bike rides together when we have the chance.


  • Eugenie

    I’d love to go camping and do some serious hiking in the beautful White Mountains.
    I’d use my REI GC to get a new tent first.

  • lucy

    This is the best time of year for camping, kayaking, biking… all the best family activities. Would love an (REI gift card) excuse to get outside & play.

  • Cara

    We have been thinking lately about going camping. My mom and Dad used to take me when I was small, but my husband and I have never really made it a regular thing. I think our daughter is at the age now where she would enjoy it.

  • Lexy

    We are eager to return to camping…I’d use it to buy a campstove and accessories as the one we had been borrowing has been returned (finally) to its real owner.

  • Britt

    It won’t be this summer, but I want to take my due-in-January baby to explore the outdoors as soon as she’s big enough and the weather allows it!

  • Amanda

    My husband and I camped once with some friends, and now that we’re starting our own family, we think it would be so much fun to try some camping with our kids. We live being outdoors!

  • Lizzy

    My husband and I are more “great American road trip” than tent campers. We have a trailer and once a year pick a spot on the map, then drive there to see the sights. REI has some awesome gear for the activities that we do when we get there (last year was trail riding, this year was more “touristy” sightseeing through some national parks).

  • patricia

    With September here our plan is to go out and do some apple picking, then pumpkins later on. Love taking the kids out doors and could use a tent to expand that to going camping.

  • chad

    My wife and I are planning to go on a camping trip with about 5 other friends and their families. The problem we are running into right now is that we don’t have a tent, we have always borrowed peoples in the past. It’s about time we buy one though.

  • Katie

    My hips were definitely bruised and aching after a week of sleeping on the ground this summer. Plus, I noticed our camping chairs are starting to signs of stress, and I predict another summer of camping would leave us falling through the seats! A better mattress from REI would be great!

  • Alisa

    My husband and I have recently started talking about taking our daughter camping. He has always loved camping, me not so much but sometimes you have to meet in the middle or go camping for the ones that you love!

  • eileen

    My husband and I would LOVE to take our kids camping, especially now that the weather has cooled off some in our neck of the woods .