B reviews

Camping in the Backyard: brought to you by REI

The Tent

You may have noticed my tent in my last post about camping on Labor Day Weekend. That’s the tent I bought with my REI gift card back when I toured their store a month ago. Remember that post? Little did I know my tent would come in so handy! In the rain even!

Anyway, I took the photos below when we did a little test run in our own backyard about a month ago.

backpack supreme

I also bought that backpack with the whistle in the buckle. I figure if we go hiking I’d definitely want something loud to scare away the mountain lions. Plus Bug really liked that it had a bladder in it and I think being able to sip her own water might make it more fun for her to carry her own bag. We’ll see.

I don't know how to put up a tent! hmmmmm....

We decided to take our tent on a maiden voyage to our backyard. We do have an awesome backyard after all. We might as well enjoy it. It cools down really nice out here in the desert and I’ve been wanting to sleep outside for a while.

So we set up the tent.

Where does this go again?

That was fun. Actually, it was really easy. I love how the tent poles just snap onto the tent instead of having to thread them like the old ones. So much easier!

this should be easy

It was so easy even a five-year-old could do it. Sort of.

tah dah!

Tah dah! We were so proud of ourselves.

proud tent putter-upper

Please forgive my backyard camping hair. Actually, that seems to be my all-summer-long hair. It’s so stinkin’ hot out here I can’t stand a bit of my hair to touch my face.

Hi Mom!

we're camping in the backyard!

And then we went inside and enjoyed the peaceful evening by having a massive tickle fight.

by the moonlight


I can’t wait to take it on a real camping trip!

What outdoor activity do you pledge to do with your family this summer and how would a $100 REI gift card help you get there? Take the REI Outdoor Pledge and submit your comment to be entered.

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