• artsy fartsy,  Bug,  domesticity,  shopping

    the pink continues…

    Today was a very productive day. I recovered my couch. It sounds way more impressive than it is because all I did was buy a humungous piece of muslin, drape it over the back and sides of the couch and then make quick pillow case slip covers for each cushion. It works. That’s all I care.

    The couch was getting pretty nasty. We don’t have a dining room or kitchen table so we eat on the couch in front of the television every night and that makes for, well…. the occasional mishap and a very dirty couch. With the prospect of a party coming up, I wanted the crusty old couch to look nice.

    I’m super proud of myself for pulling this off because I didn’t think I could do it. I’ve made this makeshift cover for the couch twice before but that was before the baby. The last time I tackled a sewing project, Baby Bug was significantly less active and into everything.

    I was quite surprised that I was able to sew this up while she played with her toys and tried to pry the heater vent door open. That’s her latest obsession/no-no zone these days. We have one of those old fashioned vertical wall heaters with a trap door at the bottom that you open to light the pilot light. The old door has a habit of falling open all by itself. This is very fascinating for babies. We’ve taped it up with grip tape but Baby Bug is obsessed with peeling the tape back with her little fingernails and watching the door bang open. So far she hasn’t hurt herself but it’s driving me crazy trying to keep her away from it. If I put something in front of it to block her prying fingers, then the pilot light goes out so we just have to keep saying “no, no” and distract her by moving her to a different part of the room. At least that’s my stop gap fix until I cajole my Dad into fixing it with some kind of clasp next time he visits.

    Anyway! Enough about heater vents. I wanted to tell you about my trip to the fabric store and my purchase of some pink kitty polar fleece. I know! How could I not buy it!!! I had no idea what to make with it but I bought it anyway, along with a stuffed pink kitty toy that I gave to Baby Bug to keep her quiet while I shopped. This is why I’m not allowed to go shopping very much. There are things out there I didn’t know about that I must buy. It is better that I never venture out. It’s much easier to stay on a budget that way.

    I bought a yard and a half and when I got home I recovered a pillow with it. I know Toby won’t let me leave it out in the living room for very long but I told him it’s for Baby Bug and he seemed okay with it. I think it’s cute. At least it can stay out there until the party.

    Guess what else I found while I was out and about?

    Yes! A pink tutu! It was in the “make-your-own-stuffed-animal” section. You know, like Build-a-Bear but for the crafty Becky Home-decky types. It’s little and supposed to go on a stuffed bear but it fits Baby Bug perfectly. I might cut it shorter and sew on some red rick rack… or I might just leave it the way it is.

    It’s so cute! I just put it over her play clothes and ta-dah: Instant Princess! I can’t believe the cuteness. I’m so going to enroll Baby Bug in ballet lessons as soon as she’s old enough. I never got to take ballet or gymnastics when I was little and if I’m not careful I’m going to turn into one of those moms who forces her daughter to do everything she never got to do.

    Baby Bug was not as enamored with the tutu as I am. She was way more into the tag. When I took the tag away, she pulled and tugged at the tulle as if to say, “get this itchy stuff off me.” I tried to tell her how cute she looked, “like a big flower,” but she didn’t seem very convinced. Oh well, at least it’s fun for pictures.

  • Bug,  Newsbreaking Hair News,  Super Dad

    punk bath

    I didn’t think Toby was going to let me put these pictures on my blog but they magically showed up on my desktop the other day so I’m interpreting that as permission. I figure they’re grainy and I’m naming them by a number instead of the obvious name, so hopefully that will keep google image searches off them. I love google and I hate google at the same time. Mostly I just hate the myspacers who steal my images via google image searches. But that’s another blog post.

    Toby took these shots. You can tell because they are taken at night and Baby Bug isn’t completely blasted by a flash. Toby is a professional photographer and he has the big fancy camera that can do tricks like that. The spy cam is not so tricky.

    Speaking of Toby…. Remember how he’s hating all the pink pink pink all the time? Well, today he said that if I found him a pink striped shirt (with other colors like brown or green…), he would wear it on the day of the party. Can you believe that?!!!! He must be delirious or maybe I’m wearing him down. Either way, I think I just might have to take him up on that. Any suggestions Whoorl?