• Bug,  Family Matters,  party party,  the sticks

    Birthday Party Number TWO!!

    A lot of my relatives from the sticks couldn’t make it to Baby Bug’s big crazy Pinkkkkity First Birthday Party, so we decided to have another mini version of her party last Sunday. Why not? More cupcakes, more presents, more fun… no problem! We could make it last all month and that would be fine with Baby Bug and I. We love birthdays.

    The weather was so nice we decided to have spaghetti dinner out in my mom’s front yard. My mom makes the BEST spaghetti. It’s her specialty. With good company and no flies (because it’s winter), it was a perfect dinner.

    After dinner was cupcake time. I made some more of my pinkkkkity pink cupcakes even though technically I’m sick of pink. It just didn’t seem the same if I made them orange or blue. Besides, Baby Bug is quite experienced at pink cupcake carnage and I wouldn’t want to confuse her with a new color. She’s finessed her moves down to frosting massage and stuffing fistfuls into her mouth one after the other. It’s great fun. I love babies eating cupcakes. Two cutes make a super duper cute.

    It was also my cousin Kelz’s birthday on the fifteenth of January so we made her smush a cupcake up her nose too. Actually, she’s too ladylike for that but she did try to for the camera ’cause she’s a good sport like that. Guess how old she is… You’ll never guess. She’s six feet tall and only fourteen. Hello Supermodel. But no, she doesn’t model and she doesn’t play basketball. She just does regular fourteen-year-old stuff.

    And that was my trip to the sticks. I had to skidaddle back home as quickly as possible because my nieces (who missed the party but showed up late Sunday night) were germy and sick and I don’t think I could handle Baby Bug fighting another fever just yet. Two colds in one month is plenty for me.

  • Beach Bits

    Mussel Beach

    Wow! I’m behind in my posting! See what happens when you finally get a babysitter and get down to business? Blogging falls by the wayside. Actually yesterday was just a busy day and I used Baby Bug’s nap to pack my suitcase for the sticks and take a shower. Can’t stink for the baby sitter. (She was wonderful by the way. I love her!) But before I move on to blog about our latest trip to the sticks and Baby Bug’s Birthday Party Number TWO!!! (I know! Could we be any more spoiled?) I want to put up my pictures from our beach day when the tide was super super low.

    When the tide is really really low, it’s like discovering a new country. There are strange underwater creatures that show up suddenly that you don’t see every day. Like crops and crops of mussels on the backsides of the rocks that are usually underwater and strange mountainous clumps of sea weed with their little bulbs that pop when you step on them. Baby Bug and I had a great time exploring.

    Baby Bug thinks the seagulls are “kkkkkkitties”. Silly kid. I try to tell her they are “birdies” but she doesn’t believe me. I can see why it would be confusing since seagulls are about the size of our house cats. We have pet “birdies” (finches) that are very small and say “tweet tweet”, so how can these big fat things with feathers be birdies too? I haven’t even begun to explain pelicans or condors. How do you make the seagull sound? I keep thinking of the finding Nemo movie where they say “mine mine mine” but that isn’t right either.

    I have so much trouble making some animal sounds. For example, what does an elephant sound like? How do you make that trumpeting sound? I try and try and nothing that comes out of my mouth sounds anything like an elephant. It’s funny the things that are important once you become a parent.