• Buddies,  do me a favor

    favor time


    Hi Everybodeeee!

    I need you to help a friend of mine. You guys know Angella with two “l”s right? The mother of three who survives by drinking about twelve diet cokes a day… You know how funny she is and how she’s an accountant and works all the time and she has THREE kids and she lives in the sticks… anyway I need you to go click here so she can win a contest and go to BLOGHER!!! I can’t go so I’m hoping she’ll go for me and send me back hourly spy reports.

    If she wins, I will make something for you guys and post it as a downloadable pdf. Something cool that you will really like.


    Thanks you!

    Or don’t… and may a camel with fleas poop in your yard.

    p.s. Friends of DB: Please feel free to steal this graphic (https://www.secret-agent-josephine.com/images/send-db.jpg) and post it on your own site. Imagine that! I’m encouraging hot linking.

  • Bug,  domesticity

    yesterday she was a baby

    wanna taste?

    How does this happen? One day they are babies squirting poop and the next they are in the kitchen helping you bake cookies.

    turning on the tv from her new convenient location

    And then they learn how to use tools and wheel over their wheely bug toy so they can CLIMB UP ON TOP OF THE COFFEE TABLE!!!! What’s next?

    crying about something...
    Temper tantrums? Well, not yet but she does make her feelings pretty clear. No matter, I’m loving being a mom. Loving it more every day.