• artsy fartsy,  Beach Bits,  Bug,  Niece-com-poops

    summer fun with the niece-com-poops!


    Toby flew off to Hawaii on Tuesday (for work, the lucky dog) and left Baby Bug and I all alone. You know what that means, time to call up my noisy nieces and invite them over for a party! When the cat’s away the mice will play. It’s not that Toby doesn’t like my family, it’s just that they are noisy and he works at home and well… you get the picture. I, on the other hand, love the noise and the fun and love a house stuffed full of relatives. Especially relatives who like to paint and make fun artsy projects with me. So we’ve been having fun.

    We had to paint in shifts

    And more fun…


    flying Baby Bug


    enough paintings to shake a foot at

    I’ve also been painting. Hot Dog!

    French Bulldog

    More photos here

  • movies,  The Hood

    house munching


    We had some excitement this morning watching a house being torn down. It’s not every day houses get munched with giant tractor jaw monsters… unless you live in our neighborhood and then it’s every other day. It was kinda fun being up close and personal. I apologize for the bad filming technique, I was holding the baby in the other arm and well… I’m just not that great at filming.

    If you liked this movie, you might like this one too (8.4mb quicktime)