• Beach Bits,  Bug,  Family Matters,  my art is going to the dogs

    Sand Bugs for B-Bug

    B-Bug with Sand Bug!

    We visited Toby’s brother in Newport yesterday and naturally, since he’s related to Toby, he took some awesome shots of Bug and I at the beach. Baby Bug’s Uncle George is a lot of fun. He caught some sand crabs for Baby Bug and she thought they were great. What’s not to love? They are BUGS! And they have wiggly little legs and they live at the beach….I think she would have popped one in her mouth if I hadn’t freaked out and nearly lost my breakfast.

    I hate sand crabs (and all exoskeletal creatures for that matter). They are neat little creatures and I appreciate the wonder of their under-the-sand life with their little feelers eating plankton and such.. But REALLY, to me, they are just beach cockroaches. Ick! Baby Bug wanted me to hold her’s really bad. She kept following me, holding out this wiggly little bug and I had to run away screaming. Silly Bug.

    In other news, I painted another painting:


    It’s coming along. I’m running out of places to keep them all!

    I'm running out of places to put them

  • artsy fartsy,  Bug,  my art is going to the dogs,  Newsbreaking Hair News

    just another slow news day

    sun dog

    I’m so into my paintings these days I’ve become very boring. I should really stretch my mind and try to write something interesting. Like maybe a trip down memory lane. A story with some drama about an ex-boyfriend or some wonderful summertime experience like camping with my parents or something. I should write something with details like rich gooey chocolatey s’mores… something with some depth and texture that makes you think of your own memories! Now that would be a good blog post.

    But my mind is lazy and all it cares about is PAINTING! Painting! Painting! Painting!

    So here’s a cute picture of Baby Bug to tide over the grandparents and bugaholics…

    The morning Cuddle Club