• illos,  Illustration Friday,  Moody Blues,  Shop Talk

    trick or treat

    trick or treat

    Here’s a little trick-or-treat Sprite for Illustration Friday. She really wants to be in a series of four cards with all her trick or treat friends but it’s been a busy week so I don’t know if I’ll get around to it. I really miss making graphics just for me.

    I’m sort of in a weird place right now. I want to vent about some work frustration. I’d also love to tell the story of my love affair with Adobe Illustrator… but those posts could run long and what I really want are some short posts for a change. Sometimes I even get sick of myself, if you know what I mean?

    What do you want to read? I want to hear from you instead. Do you guys ever internalize your stress? I know they say don’t bottle it up but I don’t think I’m in any danger of that. I’m usually on the “too open” side. I guess the definition of maturity is not acting on every single emotion that comes along. How do you do that? What does it feel like when you have paragraphs and paragraphs of things to talk about but you decide to just smile and say everything is fine instead? Does it go away?

    Please don’t worry. Things are fine. Nothing horrible or debilitating has happened. I promise. Just work stress. More fun happy stuff coming soon.

  • Bug,  Slow News Day

    I have the best daughter in the whole world

    jazzy slob

    I don’t want to bore you to death with a bunch of funny Bug stories but I have just a couple that I can’t resist sharing. I’ll try to be brief and not go on and on.

    So, Toby and I are trying to get pregnant (yeah, whatever) and I use this silly ovulater kit. I had a few pee sticks on the counter for some high tech science experiment I was doing and one day I sat Baby Bug on the counter while I was doing something else. (Okay I was peeing but that is beside the point!) Next thing I know, Baby Bug had one of the pee sticks (that was used but covered, so no germs) in her hand and and she holds it to my face and says,

    “Open Mommy! Aaaaah. Open!” like it was a tongue depressor.

    Ha hahahahahah! Okay, maybe that’s only funny to me.

    How about this one: We’re in the grocery store and she’s screaming the alphabet. That’s funny right? I mean she’s so little, she looks like she’s six months old and she’s singing/yelling the alphabet (from “A” all the way to “Z”) so loud you can hear it thee aisles over. Maybe that’s only funny to me too because I think it is hilarious that I have the smartest kid ever.

    Sorry. That was boring. I just thought it was time for a short post instead of a super long one. Blame it on the snoctopus that has taken over my head.

    Carry on.