• B reviews,  BIG news

    All the news that’s fit to be typed!

    "take a picture of my foot!"

    Lots of news lately. First the windows, then my super fun project with Amalah and Alpha Mom went live yesterday. And then we had a very nice and photogenic late afternoon at the beach! How am I supposed to blog about the bits and bots?!! See! This is why I never get anything done around here.

    But I can’t complain. I love it when things are exciting.

    my new and exciting project

    I could not be more excited about this. I am deeply honored to be in the same web space as Amalah and Alpha Mom. I’m so glad I can finally talk about this! I sold my pregnancy illustrations to Alpha Mom way back in 2006 (hello, that was a crazy year! …as in the year I gave birth!) and I couldn’t really talk about it because they were going to be used for a top secret project. That particular top-secret project might still be in the works but this new pregnancy calendar, written by none other than the most-funny and well-spoken Amalah, is NOT secret! Yay! Yay! Yay!

    So the illos are a bit dated. I did draw them in 2006 afterall. You might recognize some of them since they showed up here first. I tried to tweak some of the really out-of-style ones (side bangs! side bangs! my illos need side bangs!) so I’m not too embarrassed but we’ll see how that goes. So far all the comments are from moms about their pregnancies so I guess I don’t need to be so self-centered and vain all the time.

    Anyway, I’m very excited and you can see why the whole Mom’s Buzz scandal was such a big deal now because my mom illos are owned 100% by Alpha Mom! Of which I am proud to say I am part. Hooyah! Now let’s go bully some Beta Moms. Just kidding!!!

    Now let’s get down to business. The “unfinished business” of answering the this-and-that questions from this post and beyond. I might have to do it in parts because I have way way way too much to write about!

    Forrest's Mud Bath

    First Up: Forrest the Cat!

    We are SO happy that Forrest is in a very loving home. See that fluffy fur? He is obviously well taken care of. AND they let him outside to play in the mud. That is one happy cat.

    His new owners do not have a blog but Sarah (his new adopted mom) has written me a few emails letting me know that he is doing very well and I can tell that she spoils him rotten. Here is an excerpt:

    He’s doing well and he fits right in. We love having him around and he’s such a social animal, it’s too cute. He’s always wherever we are – at my feet when I’m making dinner, on Donald’s lap while he reads a book, curled up next to me while I work, in the windowsill when we garden, smack in the middle of the room begging for a belly rub while I paint our bedroom walls, etc. Sebastian (the other cat) is pretty friendly, but not nearly this friendly, he’d much rather sleep the whole day away. Forrest is always following us around, on our heels. He’s also started to respond to his name, which at first he wouldn’t do for us. Now when we whistle or say FORREST! he comes a-runnin’ and stops at our feet, waiting for us to pet him =) He’s a cutie pie; we wouldn’t trade him for the world.

    The best part of her emails though is the little story about baby wipes. Since Forrest has deformed back legs, he sometimes has trouble clearing himself of his poop in the litter box. This is something I was worried might be a deal breaker in finding him a home.

    Sarah writes, “Sebastian has taken to helping Forrest ‘clean up.’ For the first few days that Forrest was with us, he had trouble navigating the cat box and frequently ended up trailing poop around on his tail or his hind ankles, but increased familiarity with the set-up combined with Sebastian’s desire to keep everything neat and tidy has eliminated the problem entirely.

    “We bought a box of baby wipes at the beginning, but we haven’t needed them in weeks. Oddly enough, the only baby wipes that were available at the store when we went are scented like lavender and Forrest cannot get enough of them. He’ll hobble over to the box and whine until we take one out for him. Then he just wants to lay on it and rub his face and his neck in it. So he always smells good. It’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen, but hey, whatever works.”

    Now THAT is love. She buys him lavender baby wipes!

    I thought it was a silly idea to blog about Forrest in order to find him a home but it really did work. He would have wound up at the pound and probably would have been put to sleep if it wasn’t for you guys. Thank you Sarah! Thank you blog readers. You are such a big part of my world.

    my fridge, his name is Norge

    Next up: Norge! My red refrigerator!

    I wish I had some old photos of me painting this old refrigerator. Not because they would be helpful to the story but because I was HOTT back then. Or at least that’s what my ten-years older self thinks now. I really did look way better when I weighed twenty pounds less and had less chins. But whatever! This is blog is not about aging!

    I bought this old thing with a roommate back in 1995 or 1996. We paid 200 bucks for it and had to drive to some unknown part of Costa Mesa to pick it up. My roommate at the time was very resourceful and found us some shady back-room deal where looked through rows and rows of dusty old refrigerators until we found one we liked. I am amazed that it is has held up so long and served us so well. I bet if I bought a new one from Sears I’d have more trouble with it. This is Norge and he WORKS.

    Norge was also a very ugly color of mustardy pukey off-brown when we got him. He was dirty and grimy and just plain yucky. We cleaned him up and used him in his natural color for years but when Toby moved in (yes, I lived in sin and am not proud of it) he suggested we paint it.

    That’s what’s great about Toby. He thinks “outside the box” (though I hate using that term). I swear his brain is wired inside-out and upside-down compared to everyone else’s. Have you seen the way he writes the numeral five? From the bottom up. He writes all his letters and numbers that way. He’s a freak.

    Even though I like to think of myself as the artsy-fartsy artist I probably would have never thought of painting my refrigerator. And if I did, I would have gotten intimidated by “the work” it involves. Painting! How do you do it? I need someone to show me first and then I’ll have a ball. But just breaking out and doing something new. That’s a bit scary.

    We had some discussion over the matter when the subject of color came up, Toby said, “Paint it any color you want!” Well… you know what that means. When I’m given the freedom to choose color I ALWAYS choose red! If I had my way, my entire house would probably be red. Though Toby has mellowed me out somewhat over the years.

    We washed it down with TSP or something like that, roughed it up a bit with sand paper and then went down to the nearest hardware store and bought some exterior house paint. We rolled it on with paint rollers and amazingly it stuck and has given us no trouble for years and years and years. I think everyone should paint their fridge. It’s great!

    One more topic and I’m closing this post because it is getting LONG!!!! Yikes!

    taking her sweet time

    Lastly: Bug’s Red Shoes.

    Yes, we love red shoes in this house. Bug’s shoes are called “Sadie” from See Kai Run. I bought them off Amazon but I think you can get them just about anywhere.

    One of Toby’s sisters bought Bug her first pair of orange See Kai Run shoes and I loved them! They are so flexible and soft. I made Bug wear them every day and wished I had some too. These red ones are not quite as nice because they have a pretty thick rubber lip on the sole and when they were on the big side Bug tripped on them constantly. Now that they fit, she seems to get along in them fine but that was a bit of a drawback in the beginning.

    And that is all I can write today because Bug just woke up!

    Hope that helps!

  • BIG news

    New Windows!

    window guys

    I know I have some unfinished business to blog about but guess what!!! Today is a big news day! So the other stuff will have to wait while I fill you in on the latest installment of OUR NEW WINDOWS!!!!!

    checking out the view

    Remember how the window fell out in the middle of the night more than a month ago? We’ve been living with a carefully taped up plastic tarp over that window all this time and it has been FRIGID!!!

    We got used to it though. We’ve been trudging around the house in sweats and socks and a hoodies in the early mornings and night. I put an extra blanket on my shoulders if I sat on the couch near the window. And the noise, well what difference does it make? We live on the highway. You can’t hear yourself think for all the harleys, sirens, leaf blowers, wheezing buses, and that pesky noisy air conditioner on the roof of the restaurant in front of us anyway. It’s just part of urban living.

    they are almost art they are so beautiful to me

    WELL NOT ANYMORE!!!! It is as peaceful as a cottage in the country here now!

    I’m sitting by the window and I can see the cars going by on the highway out of my peripheral vision. I see them whizzing past but I do not hear them! I hear nothing! It’s soooooo weird. You know what I hear instead? Crickets. The crickets living in our house are putting on quite a concert. I guess I never really noticed them before because the constant buzz of road noise blocked them out. It’s surreal what a difference real windows that actually fit make.

    I’m in love with them!

    new windows make the whole place look newer!

    Everything is just brighter and cleaner and quieter and warmer. Better better better all around. Although the newness does make the rest of the house look like it’s falling down even more. I guess I’m going to have to break down and make a new couch cover after all. The one we have now looks like bird puke next to our new white windows.

    The guys who installed the windows said this would happen. They said, first you fix the windows and then you have to repaint and next thing you know you’re fixing up your whole place. We’ll see. We don’t own this place so it’s hard to justify investing a lot of money into it and our landlord certainly isn’t interested.

    looking west

    We paid for these windows to be put in ourselves with a spectacular agreement with our landlord: that she won’t raise the rent for two years. This is really cool since we used to live under the constant threat of eviction. She’s a crazy old lady and we know the property value is more than we pay in rent. We knew our days were numbered. But with our new agreement (on paper! in ink!) we’re good for two more years. It’s kind of nice to know that one thing is not going to change for two years when the rest of your future is up in the air.

    cleaning the smudges

    Of course getting the smudges off them is a whole other story. That just might take two years of elbow grease.

    More photos here.