• blogher08,  Buddies

    LinkHer Part 2 and then I’m DONE


    Think of this post as a little vocabulary exercise except instead of vocabulary words I have blog links that I need to use in sentences creatively that won’t bore all the non-linked to death. I’ve asked around and my non-blogher friends have informed me that they are indeed quite bored of all the linking but they will continue to read patiently, as long as I include stories. I will do my best. And then it’s on with our regularly scheduled programming all about Baby Bug.

  • blogher08,  raving lunatic rant

    The LinkHer Post

    very very cool red typewriter

    You guys! This is going to be hard. How can I possibly link everyone I met? I loved everyone and I have the memory skills of a gnat! Ack! Here I go. I’ll just ramble through this one so please ignore all the sentences starting with the words “so” and “and.” Grammar will be out the window.