• Bug,  travel

    Sick Bug

    poor sick Bug

    Poor Bug. She caught some sort of stomach virus or maybe something she ate didn’t agree with her. She’s been puking for about eighteen hours. Thankfully somewhere around midnight last night she started keeping water down. I think she’s getting better.

    It’s not exactly the best way to spend a vacation but I’m just thankful this is only the second time Bug has ever been sick this way. I read accounts on the internet all the time of moms and dads staying up all night with puking kids. I’ve been very lucky so far with her.

    Bug is a trouper too. She really tries to be her spunky self in between being totally grossed out by the fact that she’s puking just like the cats do. We deal with cat puke on a daily basis at our house so this sickness has added a whole new level to her understanding. We’ve gone through about a thousand motel towels and every last pair of the 102 sets of pajamas I packed. I think we’ll be visiting the parents’ laundry room sometime in the near future if they’ll have us. (I hear Grandma is sick too)

    I think today will be a much better day. Maybe we’ll even make it outside.

  • Bug,  Family Matters,  party party,  travel

    The Wedding

    Mr. and Mrs...

    The wedding was about five minutes long which was great since I had a little girl sitting next to me in a fancy red dress who could not for the life of her understand why she couldn’t be up there on stage with all the other girls in fancy red dresses. It was a beautiful wedding. Short and sweet just like we like them. Everyone wore red and black and the church was decorated with hearts and flowers. There were even little chocolate kisses on each pew. I’m sure most of those decorations got eaten.

    don't touch me

    We found Bug’s cute little red taffeta dress while we were up here actually. I had a perfectly suitable hand-me-down Christmas dress from SuperChic all ready for Bug to wear to the wedding but when I spotted this while poking around in the little shops on main street, I had to support the local community and buy it. The woman who owned the store practically gave it to me because she loved Bug so much. I think the whole town knows her already. The maids in our hotel love her so much they leave little surprises for her when they clean our room. I love small towns.

    more cousins!

    feeling her... velvet

    All the little girls dressed up of course, and as you can see Bug was quite enchanted with the velvet on her cousin’s dress. I can’t wait to see the formal portraits that were taken. I have no idea what sort of shenanigans Bug was pulling while we were holding our poses. She was down in front and I was up three steps away. I just hope the photographer caught her when she wasn’t feeling her cousin up. But then again, isn’t that what makes weddings great? My family will never let me live down the petticoat show I put on when I was a two-year-old flower girl in my Aunt’s wedding.


    Thankfully, we made it through the ceremony with only a few little exclamations from Bug (which I don’t think anyone but me really noticed) and then it was off to the great big dance-party reception!

    dancing girl

    Bug was in heaven. A big dance floor, a pretty dress to twirl in, music and all the attention of anyone within sight. She danced the night away.


    Bug and Toby dance

    And so did everybody else.

    may I have this dance

    their dance

    You’d think from this blog that the wedding was all about Bug. Which it wasn’t of course. Anthony and Triniti are now very happily married and we are so glad we got to be a part of it!

    Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ponnay!

    p.s. All of the decent photos were taken by George Ponnay III. I was having issues with my flash, as is usual in low light situations.