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    Movies for all

    movie viewing crew

    Yesterday we went to see Julie & Julia (which I’ve been looking forward to seeing for quite a while now) and my Grandma came too! How cool is it that? My Grandma is a blogger, she’s old enough to appreciate Julia Child in her day and she likes to go to movies with her granddaughter and friends. I think we might have to make a tradition out of it if there are enough suitable movies to see.

    I was a little worried since I read the book and I knew there would be some f-bombs dropped and some sex scenes alluded to. Not exactly the tea party you would take most grandmothers to but my Grandma took it in stride. I guess she’s wise and has probably seen way worse things in her life. I looked over at her often during the movie and she was chuckling along with the rest of the audience. My Grandma is just plain cool.

    But the funny thing was, when we showed up for the movie there was a line around the building. It wasn’t opening night or anything. It was a Thursday, in the middle of the day, in the STICKS! So what was so special? I’m still not sure but it had something to do with seniors. When we got inside, the theatre was packed and everyone had white hair. There were elderly people with canes and walkers and oxygen tanks. I guess it was Senior Day at the theatre. I had no idea there was such a thing. I thought we’d have the theatre to ourselves. It was all fine other than the fact that we had to sit in the front because we got there late (which was not really late at all but I guess seniors on more on top of the early bird deals than we are). In fact, I sort of liked the running commentary from the retired couple beside us.

    It was a great movie for all ages. Well, except the eleven-and-under crowd. But we had a plan for them. While Bethany, CC, my grandma and I ducked into Julie & Julia, my nieces, Bug and Annalie got to go see G-Force with my mom. I’m so glad my mom likes those kiddie movies because I do not one bit. I just can’t get into movies with real life animals talking. I think Space Buddies killed it for me.

    So that was that: a fun day for everyone. I should probably share about the little melt down that Bug had in the bathroom at the theatre while my mom was watching her…but just thinking about it makes me tired. I think I’ll save that for a post all on it’s own. Bethany actually wrote a post about Bug and her meltdowns regarding the bathroom for me a while back and it’s sitting in my drafts waiting to be posted. So you have that to look forward.

    In the meantime, go see Julie and Julia. It was great!

  • fighting the fat gene,  fitness,  I'm an idiot,  illos

    SAJ takes Ballet

    SAJ takes ballet

    I decided Bug didn’t need to have all the fun in ballet class so I joined one too. This local studio has a really cool program where you can enroll the whole family and take unlimited classes for a flat rate. But by far the best thing about this studio is that it is catered to moms and when you take classes they have free childcare right in the same room. So while I jumped around and plie-ed, I could watch Bug out of the corner of my eye.

    I thought this might be a bad thing as Bug could watch me as well and throw a fit causing me to have to leave class and go fix whatever was wrong but thankfully that didn’t happen. They had crafts going on in the next room and she was happy as a clam. I love our new dance studio!

    Now I’m just afraid this studio is going to blow up with popularity. I’ve had that happen before. I used to take a lot of yoga classes back when I was working full time and my favorite class kept getting more and more crowded. It was terrible. You couldn’t turn around without whacking into another sweaty body.

    One day I was so claustrophobic I walked right out of the class and took a blanket with me accidentally. The office staff ran after me, apologizing for the crowdedness but I was really embarrassed so I just kept walking all the way out to my car with the blanket in tow. I still have that blanket and it still humiliates me whenever I see it. I should just take it back to the yoga studio and be done with it. It’s seriously been five or six years, I’m sure they would have no memory of me by now.

    So anyway back to the ballet class. I really like it. It’s just hard enough to get me sweating but not too hard that I’m gasping on the floor while everyone else flounces around me. The only problem is that all the other girls appear to have been real ballerinas in their lifetime before motherhood. Their necks are so long, their arms are so graceful and their legs are like giraffes. I feel short and squatty and of course I’m as graceful as a mack truck.

    I’m not letting my discomfort get the best of me though. I know this is just my perception of reality. I’ve come to realize that I’m just a very visual person and I’m prone to notice differences when I’m in a group of people who are different from me. I notice things like I’m the only one with bushy out-of-control bangs while everyone else has their sleek hair swept back into a neat bun.

    Does that help me change and become more sleek? No. Well, maybe a little tiny microscopic bit over a long long time but I think my quirky character is pretty ingrained. I’m okay with that. While I might not have grace or super long bendy limbs, I do have a strong will and I know giving up just because I feel awkward isn’t going to get me anywhere. Though maybe next time I will try to find a shirt that doesn’t have paint stains on it.