• artsy fartsy

    I never thought junk mail would excite me like this…

    my latest hobby

    I’ve started a little hobby lately. Well, that is if you can call two days into something a hobby. I’m making postcards out of bits of paper but instead of using up Bug’s artwork, I’ve been cutting up my junk mail!

    It helps that I got some really pretty catalogues in the mail lately and I just couldn’t bring myself to throw them away. But who needs catalogues sitting around their house? Not me. I’m not buying anything. So I decided I’d hack them up and send them to somebody else. Now they can sit around and be pretty in someone else’s house as art!

    batch of postcards

    It’s really fun and I’m really into it. Right now I’m just sending them off to my friend Susan (my fairy godmother) but maybe I’ll send off some to other people too. If you’d like one, email me your address and maybe I’ll do a little mini-mailing. We could do a swap maybe?

    collage postcards batch 2

    The important thing for me is that I have to use what I have and not hoard or save away little bits that I think are pretty that I might use another day. I’ve done that before with magazine clippings and that was a mess in the long run. I love magazines and I love to save things but who has room for that in their house? Not me. I am anti-clutter.

    happy cards

    So I make a batch of postcards with the junk mail, cut up scribble art, fruit stickers etc… I have from that day and that day only. No more no less. It’s fun this way too because it’s like a little time capsule of what passed through my house that day. You should try it!

  • Beach Bits,  Slow News Day

    Just another day…

    our favorite breakfast spot

    We woke up, rolled out of bed and decided to go have breakfast in the fog on the lifeguard tower. A chocolate donut with sprinkles for her and coffee for me. I know I need to set a better example and make a healthy breakfast but I also love being that mom who wakes up and says, “So what do you want to do today?” and then does it.

    I just have to make sure she eats healthy the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have donuts and milk. Just kidding. Tomorrow we’ll stay home and have eggs or something. It’s just fun when we get back home from visiting the sticks or a friend’s house to go check in with our ocean. You know, to make sure it’s still there.


    Which it was. It was our old beach without a tourist in sight. I’m sure by noon it was packed but in the morning, when it’s foggy, it’s all ours.

    doughnuts are so funny

    It’s US time. The rest of the day was filled with errands and housework and I knew I wouldn’t have a minute to sit down and play with her. I always feel guilty about busy chore-filled days. I know she’s learning to play by herself and being bored is the best way to grow your imagination but I always feel a little bit guilty that I haven’t given her at least a sibling to play with. I know. I need to get over that.

    la la la lee lee lee

    Being an only child is not a bad life.

    Hello Sharkey!

    Unless you get eaten by a shark! Just kidding again. I just had to throw that photo in there too. We found this toy rubber shark on the beach and had a little fun with it. If you ever leave something at the beach, you should ask us if we’ve seen it. We find all sorts of things left behind. It’s like we’re the beach’s lost and found. I even turned in an expensive watch the other day. So if you’re missing a shark, we’ve got it. A brown plastic shovel too.