• Bug,  crazy stuff,  easy on the words,  Family Matters

    Bear Paw Slippers

    bear feet

    My Dad (the knitting truck driver) knitted up some new slippers for Bug that we think are the Cat’s Pajamas—or maybe I should say Bear’s Pajamas. They are soooo cool. They look just like bear feet.

    walk like a bear

    And when you have bear feet, you have to walk like a bear…

    growl like a bear

    And growl like a bear!!!! Roooaaaarrrr!

    sleepy bear

    Sometimes all that growling will make you tired and then you’ll have to go find a cave to hibernate in.

    If anyone else needs some bear paw slippers, my mom has listed them in her shop!

  • artsy fartsy,  do me a favor,  easy on the words,  Tis the Season

    2010 SAJ Valentines!


    I have new Valentines for you!

    So here’s the thing: my printer broke! Stupid printers, man. I can’t even print out my own valentines! (So if they act funny on the edges because I didn’t mask the shadow well enough, just let me know. I’ll fix them.)

    These valentines are FREE but if you really like them and you find yourself printing them out by the dozens, you could drop a buck into my Brenda Needs a Printer Fund by clicking on the great big sad button below. No pressure though. I’m cheap all the time myself and I probably wouldn’t donate to me if I were somebody else. And NO big donations, please. I just want to buy a cheap printer. A buck for every twelve printouts would make my day.

    Maybe you’re not diggin’ the new pastel palette. In that case I still have last year’s uber-bright ones available. Happy Printing!