• Bug,  domesticity,  Lemon Week,  Stealthy Spy Cooking

    Citrus Week Day 1: Lemon scones!

    tangelo eyes chief juicer

    Welcome to Citrus Week! Or maybe I should say week-let because the lemons are already dwindling! Can you believe it? I thought I had so many! We may have gotten a little over-enthusiastic with the juicer. I let Bug try a few and she had so much fun she wouldn’t stop. I know I could have stopped handing her lemon halves but I was having fun too.


    Whiiiirrrr! Whirrrrr! Go little juicer go!

    Morning of Lemon Week Day 1 morning


    The first thing we decided to make were lemon scones. We used this recipe. They were fun to make and delicious!



    We zested. Actually, I made a lot of zest.

    just call me zesty!

    Just call me Zesty!

    scone dough

    And then we made some scone dough. It was very easy! We popped them in the oven and then magically the house began to smell like yummy lemony goodness!

    lemon scones!

    They cooked up perfectly! (Why have I been wasting so much money on coffee shop scones?!! These homemade ones are soooo much better!) Bug made her own mini version which actually turned out pretty good. Hers was just a little crisper, almost like a cookie.

    If I had known scones were so easy to make I would have been making them for years! I could whip these things up in half an hour and they are so fresh and tasty! Someday when I have a guest room with a real bed and fresh flowers on the night stand, I will serve these to my guests in the morning.

    fresh from the oven

    “Good morning? Can I interest you in a freshly baked scone and a cup of coffee?”


    “Why, thank you! Don’t mind if I do!”

  • diary illos



    So this is old news now but I like this page because it’s colorful (though my scanner sucketh and the color is not quite accurate) and my mad face while I’m waiting for the slow internet is funny. My laptop is s-l-o-w-l-y dying but Toby and I are waiting for Apple to release a new laptop and they are just not releasing anything except the stupid ipad. Grrrrrr….


    And I couldn’t not include this one because it’s like a foreshadowing of things to come with the lemonade and the sugar freakiness!


    I could totally skip this one. First there’s all that blank space at the bottom left where I hid private stuff that you can’t see. (Gasp! I know! I actually have secrets. Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant. Le sigh.) But I had to include it because of the hair bit. That pretty much sums up every day lately between Bug and I and her hair. I threaten to cut it all off but her Daddy likes it long so we battle it out. Which is pretty much how I remember my youth going too. I had long hair and I was always in trouble for it falling my face or something or other…


    Finally! Something newsworthy and relevant! Lemon Week! Launching tonight or tomorrow or whenever I get another free moment.