• B reviews,  elsewhere!

    Share Your Story


    I’m participating in a share-your-story program for Kellogg’s Love Your Cereal over on my review blog. I know you guys are probably thinking I write way too many reviews these days but I swear, it’s sheer coincidence and the fact that I need the extra funds.

    That said, I never participate in a review that I can’t be honest about. While I am the queen of writing puff pieces (a left-over trait from my journalism days), I just want you to know that I would never write something that I didn’t believe in.

    So there you go! Check out my story about our morning routines! I’ll be writing these posts every week and giving away $100 gift cards every time! I feel like Robin Hood!

  • 15 minute posts,  easy on the words,  Family Matters,  half assed posts,  heavy on photos,  place holder posts,  travel

    Phew! We’re back.

    Picture 1

    As you can see we had a pretty good time at the lake. I don’t think I’m going to back-blog it like I have other years but I did sketch the whole time so after I dig my scanner out from under the pile of un-opened mail, I might scan those and put them up.

    Picture 4

    If I had to pick a theme for this year’s trip it would NOT be fishing like it was last year. We did fish but we only caught bluegills. I would probably have to say that getting a kick-ass tan would be this year’s theme. It wasn’t intentional…I do have to worry about skin cancer and all but when you spend all day out on a lake basking in the sun, a few rays are bound to break through the 50 SPF sunblock. I think I have FINALLY gotten rid of my usual all-year-around farmer’s tan.

    Picture 5

    And Bug got stung by a hornet. But other than that it was just pretty much your average fun family trip at the lake!

    It’s good to be back. Now if only I could figure out a way to ignore all these dishes, the pesky deadlines, an empty refrigerator, two hungry mouths that need to be fed and all the other thousands of household chores that need my attention…