• 15 minute posts,  the dogs,  the sticks

    The Ninja Gardeners are Afraid of My Dogs

    my ninja gardeners are afraid of my dog

    I have a screamin’ deal on gardening. They come every other week and it only costs me forty bucks a month. In Orange County I’d probably pay $400 a month and that would be for a tiny little strip of land that was two feet wide. Not here, my gardeners love me and I love them back. I tip them mightily when I can afford it.


    The thing is, they are ninja gardeners and they come secretly when I’m not looking. It was like magic. No blasting leaf blowers waking the baby up (who of course is no longer a baby and no longer naps but you know what I mean) no crazy mowing at all hours of the day…I’d just leave for an errand and come back to a perfectly taken care of back yard when I least expected it. What a perfect set up!

    Bug pretending to be stuck in quicksand

    But then I got a fence put in and I let the dogs run loose in the backyard when I’m out running errands. Suddenly, the grass started growing and growing and it seemed like the ninja gardeners were no longer making their magical visits. I guess it’s a good thing for my security that my dogs are scary enough to even keep the gardeners away, but I sort of miss their stealthiness. Now I have to call and set up an appointment like regular people. But they’re still cheap so I won’t complain.

    My favorite gardener, Louie

    And now I have photographic proof they exist!

  • 15 minute posts,  B reviews,  Family Matters

    Pollywog Cereal

    we love Uncle Tim

    My Uncle Tim (my dad’s brother) was here for a few days to visit my Grandpa. He stayed at my mom’s house and every morning had breakfast with us. He is so much fun. He had Bug going for days, telling her that there were pollywogs in her cereal. It was hilarious. You’d think a five-year-old wouldn’t fall for such a trick but Bug has an imagination a mile long and apparently my Uncle Tim has a funny bone to match.

    after breakfast moment

    I’m really going to miss him. I love having company for breakfast. Maybe I will have to have that bed and breakfast someday. I did burn the oatmeal one day but that was minor compared to all the good times we had.


    We had my grandpa over for a few of the days too and my uncle recorded some movies of Grandpa telling old stories while sitting in Beatrice. Grandpa’s short-term memory is shot but his long-term memory is golden. It was fun having family together again. My grandpa seemed to really enjoy being in his old house but I think my “modern art” seriously offended him. I didn’t take his comments too hard since his couch with clocks on it seriously offends me.

    hugging goodbye

    Uncle Tim left this morning to a shower of tears from Bug. I wish he could stay longer but I know his family is missing him too.

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    In other news I have a new post up on my review blog. It’s not really a review. It’s just a little post I wrote for Slim-Fast. I was supposed to write about my 40th birthday and wanting to be skinny-minnie by then. (Ha! I’ve got two years. Eeeek!) But I wrote it back when my site went down and I was such a frazzled mess I ended up writing about prayer instead. So there you have it. You can read about how I’m on the prayer diet. How’s it working out for me, you ask? Not so good. I need to pray more.