• 15 minute posts,  Beach Bits,  BIG news,  Family Matters,  heavy on photos,  house stuff!,  movies,  Niece-com-poops

    The Niece-com-poops are here!

    swinging toes

    Rapunzel 13

    My nieces are here! They’re here for the whole summer! I’m so happy to have them. Of course it means we are running out of food every other day and there are clothes left on the bathroom floor regularly but they are a such a lovely sight for sore eyes. We’ve really missed them.

    (photo taken by Rapunzel)

    I was planning on keeping Bug in preschool all summer so I could keep to my work schedule but now that they are all playing so happily every day outside all the live long day, I decided to keep her out for the summer. It’s saving me quite a bit of money which is nice.

    Princess Super Chic

    It’s going to be a summer to remember.

    out to dinner with Uncle Toby

    So far we’ve taken them into Orange County for Bug’s gymnastics/ballet class, dinner with Toby and a trip to the beach even though the sun was already down.


    They had missed the beach. Sometimes I forget how lucky we are that we see it regularly. Super Chic wanted to go swimming right away of course. I think that girl is immune to cold.


    They ran around crazy until it was dark.


    Just like old times.


    On Memorial Day my mom thought it would be nice to visit my grandma’s grave and put Grandpa’s flowers from the memorial service on her grave. He’s going to be buried there too as soon as the morgues do whatever it is that they do. I’d never been there so it was nice to see the gravestone and look at all the flags for the soldiers.


    Grandma's grave

    I wish Bug could have known my grandma. They were kindred spirits in their love of pink.

    family take 1

    We attempted a family portrait but the sun was bright and harsh.

    memorial day swinging

    Then the park on the way home. Even my dad got in on the swinging.

    chore charts

    It’s going to be one long fun memorable summer I know already. So I’m prepared with chore charts to keep things under control so I don’t go crazy. I’m thinking we might go somewhere special if they can fill these up with a lot of stars. I’m pretty sure they can. :)

    everybody from secretagentjo on Vimeo.

    I love my niece-com-poops.

  • Family Matters

    Grandpa’s Memorial Service

    celebration of life

    Grandpa’s memorial service was pretty amazing. I wish I would have taken more photos but of course my mind wasn’t on taking photos. So many of his friends showed up. It was a full house which was really neat. Everybody loved my grandpa.

    cousins girls

    It was really nice to see so many people I haven’t seen in a long time. After the service everybody hung out for a pot luck dinner and visiting. Several old friends gave me life advice that sort of blew me away. I know we where there to remember my grandfather but it was so much more than that for me. I felt loved and seeing the outpouring of love for my grandpa reminded me of what a great man he really was. It made me want to be like him.

    meeting room

    We had a little slideshow going on during the dinner. It was fun to put together and watch.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0198

    How funny is my dad when he was a teenager? I love old pictures.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0234

    This is how I remember my grandpa most. Not carrying trash but just being helpful and busy. He was very spry up until the very end.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0210

    I miss him but I’m so happy he’s up in heaven where he wanted to be for so long. He was a real born-againer, preaching the gospel all the time, often to my embarrassment I’m ashamed to admit.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0207

    The memorial service was heart-felt by many, in fact it was so heart-felt that it went on for four hours! People just didn’t want to leave. But that’s a good thing. I know it would have made him smile.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0194

    I will always have a clear picture in my mind of my grandpa smiling.

    Grandpa Coyle20110528_0230