• artsy fartsy,  crafts gone wrong,  crazy stuff,  domesticity,  how-to's,  I'm an idiot,  painting,  the sticks

    How Not To Paint Your Floor


    What do you do when you are buried with work, deadlines are falling all around you like giant redwoods in a timber harvest, you have guests coming in from out of town and you decided to have a great big fiesta on Saturday with lots and lots of friends? Do you knuckle down and get your work done so you’ll have plenty of time to clean your house and get ready for the party before your guests arrive OR do you walk around your house and dream up some impossible last-minute DIY home-improvement projects? The latter of course!

    Because you wouldn’t want your guests to see the bathroom floor looking like this:

    mint floor

    The horror! Actually, it looked much worse than that. The paint had come up in spots and it was soooo dirty. Muddy kid bathing, running-over sinks (that’s another story) and dogs with hair and claws do not do well on painted pressed wood (not to be confused with plywood, that would be a step up). It was the floor that could not be mopped. Oh, I tried to mop it. Believe me. But scrubbing seemed to just make it worse. You know you have a problem when you moisten the wood and it just comes up in crumbs in your hand. It was icky.

    So I decided to paint the floor! Giant deadlines be damned. (Don’t worry clients, all’s well in the end.) My mom had taken all the girls over to her house for Camp Grandma so I decided to attack the floor with wild blood-shot-eyes of craziness and then get my work done on the side. That’s how we get things done around here.

    wild blood-shot eyes of craziness

    Oh yeah.

    painting my floor

    First, I was just going to paint some flowers to distract from the ugliness of the dirty mint green paint. I drew them in with a sharpie and was quite pleased. Then I painted the flowers and leaves and some odd purple paisleys around the toilet area and discovered that the new fresh paint made the old dirty mint green paint look like a hot mess of awfulness. It didn’t detract at all! It pointed instead and screamed, Look! Look! It’s dirty in here! You’re probably going to catch something awful if you walk in here barefoot!

    Oh woe is me.

    Did I mention that I was using old house paint from a craft project from a long time ago and I didn’t have enough paint to cover the whole floor and definitely not enough for more than one coat? Good thinking, that thar me. But I tried anyway. I tried and tried to skimp out every last scrape of “lemon icing” paint to cover the ugly mint green but there was just NOT enough.

    This is about the time I started walking around my house naked doing a one-woman stand-up comedy show all by myself for myself and the dog. I really wish I could have recorded that because I think I am pretty funny. But there was nakedness and blood-shot craziness so no recording was going on.

    I did jot down some notes for this post though. I’m such a blogger like that.

    Here are my notes:

    1. Don’t have a dog, with hair when you are painting your floor. No matter how hard you sweep and wipe up the hair with a wet paper towel, you will miss about 80 thousand of them. That is why they call painting white wash. You are washing the hair with paint. Check your OCD at the back door.

    2. Don’t paint with old paint from a past project because you WILL run out and you won’t be able to match it with your home stash of acrylics or the kid poster paint.

    3. Do not leave the phone on the counter where you can’t reach it later without stepping in wet paint.

    4. Do not forget to paint behind the door. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    5. Do not paint in your favorite nightgown.

    That’s all I wrote down but I’m sure there are about 95 more things not to do when painting your floor. In the end I went to Home Depot, shelled out 88 trillion bucks for a gallon (They don’t sell smaller containers. Gah!) of “lemon icing” matched paint and a gallon of epoxy garage floor paint for cement to put over the top and hopefully make the whole mess more mop-able. I really hope it works and doesn’t peel up my masterpiece when I roll it down Friday morning.

    $88 dollars later

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how drying times had to be factored in. You know how I am so great at math. Ha ha. Imagine me with a calculator and smoke coming out of my ears. It turns out I do have enough time to get it all done before the party on Saturday (when my guests will mostly likely need to use the restroom!!) but it was close. So close in fact that I had to step aside and painfully not paint more detail so that I could give it a whole 24 hours to cure before laying down the garage floor epoxy laminate clear coat, or whatever that stuff is called. It was hard stepping aside. I desperately wanted to add more flourishes and scallops and maybe some tapered dotting but I started stepping in paint in places I couldn’t cover up and I knew it was time to cut my losses.

    almost done!

    My original plan was just to paint some flowers as a temporary measure until I could put some groovy old 70’s linoleum down but now I’m kinda liking the flowers. They’re bright, they’re crazy. They make the rest of the bathroom look like an old lady running away from a flower child on acid but I kinda dig it. If this clear coat thing works out, they might stick around for a while.

    At least so I can tell this story over and over.

  • 15 minute posts,  Shop Talk

    Housekeeping Post #2


    When you read the title of this post you have to make sure you say it super fast and a bit high-pitched like the maids do at a hotel, okay? Because that is the way it is supposed to read. I’m the boss around here. Hah.

    I have stuff I need to discuss with you. If you feel like it, of course.

    I’m working on the colors book. I’m ALMOST done. I have one more page to go and then the title page and such, which is really easy. But the last color is silver and of course the first illustration that pops into my head is a silver salamander seeking single sea horses on match.com or something. By the way, the color book is all in alliteration because I like books like that and I thought it would be fun. You’ll see. It’s not your average color book.

    But I’m worried that a salamander seeking sea horses for summertime fun is not appropriate for kids. What do you think? He could just be seeking friends on the computer. Kids do that these days, right? And it’s sort of edgy like my U is for underwear page in my alphabet book which has gone over pretty well. I don’t think it’s offensive but then I know there are a zillion critics out there. As a parent or adult reading to a younger child, would you find that offensive or funny? My gut is to just go with it because usually the illustrations that shine strongest in my head are the easiest and most fun to make. AND I like books that have inside jokes for the parents.

    Next: Blogher!!! Wooooo hooo! Guess what? I won the Knorr cooking contest for my Chicken Chili Chocolat recipe. Can you believe it? That was unexpected. I’m not a foodie and I don’t even have a cooking blog but I might be participating in a cook-off in front of an audience at Blogher! Whoa!!! I’m kind of scared actually! I hope don’t get stricken with the shakey voice. I used to get that in public speech class. Shudder. Though I think I can just make fun of myself and get through it. I’m pretty sure I’ll be the worst cook there.

    There is a chance I might not do this though because the only reason I entered this contest was to get a ticket for my sister-in-law and now there’s some small print about the prize (worth $3K!!) not being transferrable which is a real drag since I can’t really use any of the prize otherwise. I already bought my blogher ticket back in February, I’m sharing a hotel room with a friend and I only live an hour and a half away from San Diego so it’s not like I need a plane ticket. I really hope they work something out for me because I think this would be super fun for me and CC.

    And since we’re on the subject of blogher and everybody seems to be asking, here is what I am wearing. Probably, maybe.

    what I'm wearing to blogher

    I’ll probably just pack every single item in my closet that I like and decide when I get there. That’s my usual strategy. Though I have some new dresses that my mom made me buy and they are pretty snazzy. The one in the middle is super tight and fitted but it has black stripes in all the right places so it makes me look like I’m two sizes skinnier than I am. I’m thinking that might be the perfect Secret Agent outfit when I’m on stage cooking. Pow! Bam! Snag! Grease stain! Wait, no snags or grease stains on my new dress!! I don’t know. I’m just going to wing it. If all else fails, I’ll just wear jeans and my favorite tank top with sequins (!).

    So what do you think? The housekeeper wants to know. And yes, those animation marks on my shoulders in the middle dress are emphasizing the GIANT shoulder pads. I’m so 80’s flashback. But hey, when you got hips like I do, you gotta work it. It worked back then, it’ll work now. I’m not too proud to beg. Cue Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.