• 15 minute posts,  BIG news,  Bug,  The Zoo

    Kitten Update: Their Eyes are Open!

    their eyes are opening!

    Big news today! Two of the kittens have opened their eyes. The big gray curly-furred one and Bessie.

    There are five kittens: a big gray furry one that looks like it has curly fur, one that has gray and white markings that we are calling Bessie because she looks like she has cow spots, one all gray one that is the runt of the litter and two others that are mostly gray but have some white markings. One has a white spot on it’s nose and that is the one Bug wants to keep. She’s named it Shylie. I wanted to name whatever kitten we kept Fiesta or Dos or Gato or something but Bug has spoken and I’m inclined to let her pick the name of the cat she will most likely call hers.




    Shylie. I guess he’s shy maybe.

    mama kitty

    And of course the mama cat, Aqui. She looks a little pissed off in these pictures but she’s actually purring up a storm. We always make a point of petting her a lot when we visit the kittens so she doesn’t get jealous.

    motherhood is so glamourous

    Motherhood is so glamourous.

    p.s. All photos taken by Bethany except the last one.

  • blogher08,  Shop Talk

    BlogHer San Diego

    Hello San Diego

    * I’m sitting here on my comfy hotel bed, dressed but all wrapped up in a mess of white sheets, thinking I really have no excuse for not typing out a Blogher post. I’ve got time to spare as I wait for my roommate to finish up her tap-tap-tapping Skyping or whatever it is she is doing so busily (working, I’m sure) and hours to go until we have to check out and attend some kind of family Ford picnic event across the street.

    San Diego really is a nice spot to be. The weather has been beautiful, of course. It wouldn’t dare not to be. We’ve stayed inside most of the time but when we do go out it’s always just right.

    our view

    I’ve been here lots of times before but I’ve never had the luxury of being right smack in the middle of downtown and not having to to worry about where to park and how much it is going to cost. My car is safely tucked away in the hotel garage, costing a solid twenty-six bucks a day (cha-ching), and there’s nothing I can do about it so I’m just writing it off as a business expense and enjoying my freedom in a big city.

    Last night we escaped the conference schedule and had a delicious business-related dinner with some friends (and possibly future clients) at an Indian restaurant in the Gaslamp Quarter. We were running late so we paid a pedi-cab to get us there and that was an adventure in itself.

    I’ve been missing Bug like crazy but it has really been fun to be caught up in the buzz and fray of a zillion networking women. Though between you and me, my ears will be happy when it’s over. I think I have a semi-permanent ringing from all the constant talking going on in large echoing cement buildings with no windows.

    Anyway, I’ve been having quite a nice time meeting new people and gabbing with old friends. I didn’t get a ton out of the sessions but that probably is my own fault. I think I’ve just been blogging too long and perhaps I’ve outgrown this convention. I’m more here to meet people and offer them my services as a designer than I am to learn about blogging.

    How about some pictures?! I took a few. Not many but a few.

    omsh and me

    Me and OMSH.

    kidlets enjoying the perks

    Here are the kids the first day. Getting a chance to swim in the very nice pool made up for the fact that they didn’t get to stay overnight like we had originally planned.

    morning yoga 5K woo!

    A morning yoga session out our window that I did not attend and a 5K that I did attend. Woo! It was kind of fun to run around the foggy marina for a while.

    terrace reception

    There was a really nice reception on the hotel terrace where we got to eat fancy food and watch the sun go down.

    delicious little potato things

    sometimes gluten free is yummier

    There was a lot of fancy food.

    And even a flash mob dance in the lunch hall. I’ve had that song in my head all weekend.

    Beth, Omsh, Tori

    New friends! The girl on the right is Tori from Shiksa in the Kitchen. She is so sweet and her site is blowing up. She’s going to be famous someday if she isn’t already. You have to check her out.

    omsh falling into the vortex glow jewelry!

    And of course crazy OMSH. I always have fun when I’m with her.

    lounge lizard

    Food, swag, massages, more food, talking, networking, pitching my design services to new people, dancing, more food, more swag. It’s all been very exciting and fun.

    * this was written on Sunday I just didn’t get a chance to post it until today.