• 15 minute posts

    Less than Perfect

    home again. Toby got served d-papers and amazingly he's still talking to me. It's gonna be a tough year but I think our friendship might survive.

    I’m sorry I was a little skitzophrenic* with the kitten post. I was heading out the door for our weekend in Orange County and I always get nervous about cat posts. So I posted it, then I un-posted it and then I posted it and un-posted it a few more times. Probably not that many people noticed but if you were wondering where it went, that is where it was. It’s been in my wordpress dashboard getting turned on and off. I also wrote it quickly so that gave me even more reason to be nervous. And then I really didn’t have time to edit and well, this has sort of been my life lately. I have lots of probably unnecessary anxiety over possible bad things that could blow up to be really bad things or blow over to be nothing at all.

    Mexican tea dress

    What’s making you such a wreck you ask? Well, after nearly a year, I finally hired a divorce lawyer. It was probably a mistake. Not because I don’t want to be divorced but because I think I called in the troops when a simple handshake would have been sufficient. Toby has not given me any trouble about our separation. He really has been a saint. Not one that I want to stay married to but a friend who is trying to understand.

    He was served the papers while we were there this weekend. I was sitting on the couch. I felt terrible. But I just didn’t know how else to do it. It’s almost been a year and I haven’t gotten the paperwork done on my own. I tried. I downloaded forms and tried filling them out five different times. The forms mocked me. I didn’t know what to fill in where. So I spent several thousand dollars to have someone do it for me. Several thousand dollars that I don’t really have. Some think it was the smartest thing I ever did. Others the stupidest. I’m not really sure. I feel like I’m navigating a tiny ship in a giant storm and I’m sea sick.

    Anyway, that is where I am. I’m doing okay. Just a little scared. Working hard. Talking things out…you know how it is.

    Also, the kittens are doing fine.

    *is that a word?

  • Life Lessons,  The Zoo

    Kittens, Kittens Everywhere!

    Aqui and a fluffball

    The kitten thing got out of hand really quick. I love kittens but one unfortunate thing happened: Aqui, their mother who used to be an outside cat, did not do a very good job of teaching them how to use the litter box. I’m kind of surprised because she learned how to use it herself and they watched her. Maybe it’s my fault somehow. I don’t know…I put a small litter box in the shower where the kittens were living but they didn’t get it. Even if I put them in the box so they could smell all those gross cat smells they still didn’t use it. They used the shower floor instead and then the carpet next to the shower, and then under my bed.

    At first it was cute.

    Awww… look at that little tiny kitten poop on the carpet. It’s mini poop!

    Then it was NOT so cute.

    3am: What is that smell? Ugh! Did a little fuzzy kitten butt just take a turn under my bed right where I lay my head to sleep?!!! Please say it’s just a bad smell wafting over from the cat box in the bathroom. Please, please, please…Ninja Bunnies!

    this blind pull looks interesting

    So I cleaned up the carpet with Febreeze and vinegar and put the little fuzzy kitten butts in the cat box with some smelly poop to “teach” them but it didn’t really work. They climbed right out of the box and went next to it. Rinse, repeat.

    another day, another bottle of febreeze

    After several days of this, I finally had enough. And my mom, aka my landlady, had scheduled our carpet to be cleaned. That was purely a coincidence but it did put my kitten issue front and center. Did I want them to ruin the freshly cleaned carpet? NO.

    Is it Friday yet?

    The kittens needed to go. They’ve been eating solid food for weeks now and they run all over the place wreaking havoc in the middle of the night. I think they are old enough to find loving homes elsewhere.

    I put the kittens in a box and took them to Bug’s kindergarten. Surely, I’ll find a home for them there, I thought. Who can resist a kindergartener begging for kitten? Right?

    That was hilarious. All the kids wanted to hold them and the kittens did not want to stay in the box. It was a regular three-ring kitten-circus escape act. Thankfully, kindergarten pick-up is not as crazy as regular school letting out so the kittens were not mauled by mobs of kids or anything. But there was a line of fourth graders sticking their hands through the fence begging me to let them pet one. I gave out about 500 business cards and they all promised me that their moms would call me so they could have one.

    here kitty kitty

    So far it’s been a day and nobody has called me. No one at her school could take one either. Apparently kindergarten parents are smarter than they look. They all had big dogs who eat kittens or too many cats already or someone in their house who was allergic. A lot of people wanted them though.

    One lady did come by later and she took “Right Cheek,” one of the twins. There were two kittens who had identical markings except in mirror. We called them Right Cheek and Left Cheek because that’s how you could tell them apart. I really liked the twins. They seemed to be the most mellow.

    My mom has the kittens (and their mom) for the weekend (since we go out of town to visit Toby) but this coming Monday I’ll be back on Mission: Find the Kittens a Home. Anybody want one? They’re super cute. Maybe you’ll have better luck with the cat box training than I did. Anybody have any special tips?

    Fiesta thinks the ground might be happening. girl and her cat

    We are going to keep one. Fiesta, the all gray short-haired one. We were going to keep Shylie (the one with the white markings on its nose) but Fiesta won our hearts over. She seemed to attach herself to Bug and they are smitten with each other. Or at least Bug is smitten with Fiesta.

    basket cat

    I just hope Fiesta learns how to use the cat box. I don’t know what I’m going to do if she doesn’t.