• 15 minute posts,  BIG news,  Bug,  movies

    Rainbow Words!

    I know there is a big debate over phonics vs. sight words and I don’t really want to get into that but at Bug’s school they teach a combination of some sort that seems to be working! It’s so delightful to watch her figure things out. She’s sounding out words off signs as we drive down the street and I totally remember doing that myself at her age. It’s such an exciting time.

    Anyway, she wanted to show you guys how she can read these days. It’s only a matter of time before she’s demanding her own vlog posts.

  • 15 minute posts

    Very Busy up in Here

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    My neighbor, Wendy, has the best phrase ever. When she’s explaining something, like some crazy project she decided to pull off that normal people wouldn’t even try, she points to her head and says, “It’s very busy up here. Very busy.” It always makes me imagine all kinds of thought bubbles duking it out inside her skull.

    Well that’s me these days. I kinda want to adopt her phrase. Forget spying into my little life, my new tagline should say “It’s very busy in here.” The frustrating thing is not a lot what is going on in my head is getting out on paper or anywhere productive. In fact most of what is in my brain is just floating away inside my car because all I seem to do is drive these days. Drive drive drive. I’m always driving somewhere.

    But you know… you can’t win them all. At least I’m not staring at a screen wondering what to write.