• 15 minute posts,  artsy fartsy,  Bug,  movies

    Gobble Gobble Gurkeys!

    I wanted to share this on Thanksgiving or the day before Thanksgiving but then I remembered all next week and the week after that and the week after that… is going to be taken up with book tour posts and some of you (who are not like me) like to plan crafts AHEAD of time instead on the actual day. What a strange concept. Anyway, this is a song Bug has been singing all the live-long day because they are practicing it at school for a Thanksgiving concert (it’s so adorable). So I made some turkeys for her to puppet dance with.

    dancing turkey printable on my blaugue.

    Here they are for you if you’d like to play along. And yes, you have to cut those little circles out. That’s what exacto knives were invented for.

  • 15 minute posts,  easy on the words,  Family Matters,  heavy on photos,  party party,  Secret Spy Stuff,  Shop Talk

    Where have I been?

    my work companion

    I’ve been puttering away at my desk these days.

    when I'm working this is where she is

    With my constant companions: coffee and the very big kitten that likes to sleep in my lap. It’s like she knows I get lonely when Bug is away at school.

    my messy desk

    I’ve been making all sorts of things for you guys to see along my book tour. I’m very excited about it. I think you will be too.

    junk yard

    Production has been a little rough going. Making, fixing, making, fixing…the things I do for you! Just kidding, this is sort of like playing. But I really do hope it pays off in the end because all this playing is not paying the bills!

    5 cars later finally gonna say DUN.

    Five cars later, I finally got it right. Stay tuned. This post will show up on Tuesday of next week!

    is this getting boring?

    And this one on Wednesday. So fun! I can’t wait to see what my secret agents do with them!

    Bug was inspired by the ninja costume.

    hiya! Ninja putting on her boots


    now you see me...

    Now you see me…

    Not cleaning her room.

    Now you don’t. Wait. What? What’s going on here? I don’t know. I think she was looking for something.

    Anyway, just wanted to pop in (after nearly a week of dead, dead silence) and tell you what we’ve been up to.

    Tea party at Grandma's.

    We also had a tea party at my grandma’s this week. I should make this a post on it’s own but the way I’ve been keeping up with the blogging…we all know that is never going to happen. So here it is squished in with another post. I hope you don’t mind.

    We go over to my grandma’s and aunt Keren’s house every Wednesday for dinner and lately they’ve been doing theme dinners. (I come by my love of theme-parties genetically.) Every Wednesday my grandma asks Bug where she’d like to go for the following week’s dinner. We’ve been to Hawaii (yummy teriyaki), Thailand (for me because I love Thai food so much) and I think Italy (for Saltimboca!). Last week Bug said she wanted to go to London so my grandma and my aunt Keren put on a grand tea party spread. It was so fun! Tiny sandwiches, tea, scones with clotted cream and jam…it was fit for the Queen!

    So that’s what we’ve been up to!

    Mark your calendars! My book tour starts next Monday! I’ll be posting where to go here on this blog so check in.