• Buddies,  my books,  SAJ's Stealthy Book Tour

    Book Tour Day 14: The Letter N!

    N is for Nathan!

    As in Dutch Blitz’s Nathan! Yeah, I know, I should have found a blog that started with the letter N but this is where organizing the tour started to get a little more tricky for me. Some people dropped out, some people I least expected dropped in…you get the picture. Anyway, I’m super happy to have Angella in it with me no matter where she falls in the alphabet! Thank you Angella!

  • 15 minute posts,  Bug,  movies,  SAJ's Stealthy Book Tour

    Autographing Party!

    Bug the autographer

    We’re scheduling an autographing party next Saturday (not this Saturday but December 10th). It will be me and Bug and a pizza maybe at my publisher’s house having a great ol’ time. I promise not to get any pizza grease on your book if you buy one.

    Love, Bug...

    If anyone wants to buy a book and have me autograph it, just email me and we’ll order a book special for you. We’ll work out the paypal details etc…depending on demand via email for now. The catch is you have to order today or tomorrow if you want to get it in my mail in time for Christmas. We will be mailing the books out Monday the 12th of December.


    So let’s say you already bought my books, because you are so awesome and supportive like that, and you still would like them autographed. I have a solution for you! Two solutions actually. You could mail them to me (email me for the address) with a self-addressed envelope OR you could buy a bookplate from my etsy shop! If you leave me a little note on your order, I will personalize your bookplate with an autograph or a message and maybe even a tiny illo.

    book plates!

    Bug might even autograph some! I’m not making any promises though. She is only five and has about a five minute attention span for writing. But she has grand plans! She was going on and on about how she would illustrate skeletons for boys and pink kitties for girls so I decided to turn on photo booth and let her tell you herself.

    She didn’t really talk about her illustration plans but it’s still quite informative. You’ll have to watch it, it’s pretty funny—especially the end.

    thinking up something witty to say

    Anyway, if you haven’t bought my books, BUY THEM! Or order them from me via email and we’ll autograph them with something witty-ish! Just email me today or tomorrow if you want them by Christmas. And if you have bought them, leave me a review on amazon! I need all the good reviews I can get.
