• Buddies,  domesticity,  Lemon Week

    Lemon Pickle!

    lemon pickle

    You guys: This recipe is amazing. I don’t know where you are on the spectrum of appreciating spicy Indian food but I strongly suggest you try this. It’s delicious. It’s one of those things I think about all day long until it’s time for dinner and I can finally make myself some.

    It was actually my friend, Carrien’s idea. She heard about lemon week and told me that in India they make something called “pickle” with lime rinds. It’s not like what we think of like a jar of pickles but more of a relish or condiment that you put with rice. It sounded interesting so Carrien did some research and came up with this recipe which is loosely based on this recipe.

    So here goes:


    • 2 serrano peppers
    • 1 habanero pepper
    • 12 lemons
    • 1 inch section of fresh ginger, chopped
    • 10 chopped garlic cloves (keeps the vampires away)
    • 2 cups distilled white vinegar
    • 1 tsp turmeric
    • 1 tbs salt
    • 2 tbs mustard seed
    • 1 tbs coriander
    • 1 tsp whole cumin
    • 5 tbs vegetable oil
    • 6 small canning jars (or the equivalent)

    sautéing whole lemons fancy grease protector


    1. Heat 3 tbs of oil in a large frying pan until hot.

    2. Sauté lemons, turning them over until their skins are golden brown. Do you like our fancy way of dealing with the spitting hot oil? That was my fault. I washed the lemons and then plopped them into the oil without drying them first. Water and oil can make a spitting hot mess. FYI.

    sizzled lemons
    (These smelled really good right about now.)

    3. Dry the lemons and cut them in half with a knife. Then cut them into smaller slices with a handy dandy pair of kitchen scissors (or use a knife if you happen to have a sharp one). Save the juice.

    chopping serrano peppers chop shop

    4. Chop your peppers, ginger and garlic (gloves are super smart when chopping spicy peppers.)

    chopping garlic in the blender

    5. Put 2 tbs of oil into a blender or food processor, add chopped peppers, garlic and ginger. Blend to a paste.

    6. At the stove using the same oil you sautéed the lemons in, add mustard, coriander and cumin. Heat the seeds until they pop open.

    7. Add the paste, stir and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off heat.

    cooking the juices

    8. Add turmeric, lemon pieces, lemon juice and vinegar and stir until thoroughly mixed.

    9. Spoon lemon slices into jars, and pour remaining fluid over the lemons ensuring they are just covered.

    10. Stir with a chopstick or knife to remove any air bubbles and seal jars.

    lemon pickle!

    Aren’t they pretty? They smell divine. We didn’t pressure can these so I’m just keeping them in the refrigerator but I think you could store them in the pantry since they are technically preserves.


    Serve over rice or potatoes or sweet potatoes or yams or chicken or fish…pretty much this would taste good on anything. It’s spicy though so you might want to go slow. Think of it as a condiment and dip something into it! Then come back here and tell me how delicious it is!

  • domesticity,  Lemon Week,  the sticks

    Lemon Week 2012

    home sweet home...tomorrow: lemon week

    I’m so pleased to announce that I will be blogging another Lemon Week! I figure I might as well squeeze as much out of those lemons as I can while I still live here! Ha ha. Pun intended. Anyway, I’ve got a couple new recipes and a couple of old ones and hopefully I can put something new up all week. We’ll see.

    You know what’s cool about Lemon Week around here? We’ve made such a big deal about it in the past that now my kid gets really excited about it. It’s like a festival in our own house. We even dress up for it:

    freshly showered and dressed for lemon week!

    Here I am freshly showered, in my lemon week shirt and full of enthusiasm (and coffee probably).

    My lemon week shirt.

    I even took an Instagram of my shirt I was so excited about the whole event.

    dressed for lemon week acessories

    Bug dressed up in her finery which included yellow and orange accessories. We were ready!

    da lemons!

    Bring on the lemons!

    Lemon Week: lemon bars!

    So first we made lemon bars which I’ve made a zillion times and blogged about. The recipe calls for extra zest so they are extra zingy and delicious. (faster more direct link) I love them. Swoon! Swoon! Swoon! I could eat them all day until I popped.

    freshly baked lemon loaf

    Then we made lemon loaf which is sort of like what they serve at Starbucks but without the hard candy icing on the top. It has a sugary lemon juice that you pour on top that I think is even yummier, personally. It’s my Great Grandma’s recipe.

    You’d like the recipe? Well let me share!


    • 2 cups of sugar
    • 1 1/2 sticks of melted butter
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 cup of milk
    • 3 cups of flour
    • 4 tsp baking powder (that seems like a lot to me but it tastes fine, shows you what I know)
    • 1 tsp salt
    • Grated rind of 2 lemons

    For glaze
    • Juice of 2 lemons
    • 1 1/2 tbs sugar


    1. Preheat oven to 355º F

    2. Mix sugar, butter, eggs, milk, flour, baking powder, salt and lemon rind

    3. Pour into two loaf pans

    4. Bake for 45 minutes

    5. Mix together juice of two lemons and 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar

    6. Pour lemon mixture over piping hot loaves and serve!


    It’s a pretty simple recipe. I love that when I typed it up originally I typed “flower” instead of flour. I guess that means it was passed onto me a long time ago when I was even worse at spelling than I am now. Which I guess could technically be yesterday but I know it was a really long time ago because my great grandma died a long time ago and I’m pretty sure she passed it onto me when she was still alive. So I must have been a teenager or younger. I remember eating it in her little condominium kitchen at her little metal table with the aluminum sides. I remember that and the awful disgusting pepper slaw she always used to make. Funny how things like that stick with you.

    zested, juiced

    Anyway, it was fun to make and think about her making this back in the olden days. I wasn’t super fond of her in her last days. She was a crotchety old bitter woman but here and there I see clues that she had a kinder loving side. I think her lemon bread definitely spoke to that.

    lemon juice over the top

    Especially the lemon juice topping. I think you should all rush out and make some and then come back here and reminisce with me in the comments about your Grandma. Did she make lemon bread for you? Was it better than Starbucks?

    Tomorrow: Lemon Pickle! I’m so excited! You’re gonna LOVE it.