• Beach Bits

    Stormy Sunset

    I missed my morning walk today so I went out at sunset instead. Boy, am I glad. There was a thunderstorm coming in and with it came rainbows and lightening and clouds so dynamic they went on for miles and miles into the atmosphere. There is nothing like the smell of fresh rain on dry dusty roads and tropical humidity and ozone… it was amazing.

  • Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops

    Garage Sale 2.0

    Maybe I didn’t inhale enough dust the last time around. I thought we were done with garage sales. It’s a lot of work and somehow we usually end up with more junk than we started with. I guess I just have amnesia because when I got pregnant (and decided to purge a zillion things from my small house to make room for a baby) a garage sale seemed like a swell idea.

    So this weekend we had another garage sale at my mom’s. My nieces helped. They made $22 selling lemonade and brownies all by themselves! Not too shabby.