• illos,  preg-nuts

    Super Saturday Lamaze

    Toby and I went to our Super Saturday Lamaze Class yesterday. That’s not us I illustrated of course. If I had illustrated us, I would have made me two times bigger than Toby, with a giant belly and three chins. Of course Toby would have a scraggly blond pony tail and distinctive tortoiseshell glasses. Why didn’t I illustrate us? Too lazy I guess. I was going to draw all the mother’s-to-be and their significant others… but I fizzled out after one couple.

    That was the neat thing about this class. I’ve never been in a room with so many other pregnant women, all of them at about the same stage I was. It was weird and creepy but cool. I started to think to myself, these are the women I will see in the hospital, and on parent teacher night when my little girl goes to kindergarden and at high school functions etc. etc… These are my new peers! Weird.

    It was really comforting to see that indeed, I’m not as huge as I feel. That I’m normal when I huff and puff and roll my eyes when asked to get up and down from the floor. It was a relief that I wasn’t the only one squirming in my chair and looking uncomfortable. I wasn’t the only one staring longingly at the floor, our two mandatory pillows and the mats provided for some of the breathing exercises and thinking “floor + pillow + mat = nap” after four hours of teaching. In fact, several of the mom’s did lie down on the floor and I swear they took a cat nap during the last slide presentation. I am not a freak! I just need to hang out with other 7 and 8 months-along pregnant women! I am in fact, totally normal! Who knew!

    The class was helpful. Not dumb like I’ve heard from a lot of my friends. We got a lot out of it. Toby even actually had the guts to ask a couple of questions. The teacher was a real nurse who has worked with babies for over twenty years. She made a lot of jokes and told us some real eye-opening inside stories. I still haven’t made up my mind about epidural vs. pain meds, vs natural vs. cesarian etc. etc… I’m not even sure I got all the “hees” and “hooos” of the breathing techniques but I have a lot better feeling about going into this whole scary thing. I think it’s okay to not have a plan.

    I also have to admit that it was kind of nice to have a whole day devoted to thinking about the baby and me. I felt kind of guilty when the teacher made all the dads get down on the ground and give the mom’s massages. It was like I tricked Toby into a “Give Brenda Attention Day”. And boy did I soak up that attention. It felt so good. I just wanted to stay there and let him caress my arms all day. But of course I was kind of embarrassed because I hate to admit it but we aren’t that touchy-feely of a couple on a day to day basis. Toby just laughed at me and assured me that this was important and I shouldn’t feel silly for getting so much attention.

    I just felt so lucky to be there.

    I think about all the single moms who don’t have time for such a luxury or the mom’s who live in bad neighborhoods who can’t even get to such a nice hospital…or the deadbeat dad’s who are just too jerky to show up… There are so many sad pregnant women out there and I am not one of them. The hospital we are going to deliver in is the Ritz! Seriously, the new women’s wing has an ocean view in every recovery room! EVERY SINGLE ONE! And there are couches without arm rests so your relatives can actually lie down and rest if the labor goes on for days and days. I’m really lucky to live where I live.

    Now if I can just get over the fact that because I live where I live, I don’t have a washer and drier in my house and I’m going to have to keep walking across the street to the laundromat to wash my many many many dirty baby things! Priorities…

  • Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  preg-nuts

    Hemet Days

    I’m starting to look scary. I think I’m going to get kicked out of the “big belly crew” soon and sent off to a traveling freak show. All I need is a beard.

    I had a really fun few days out in Hemet. It’s been a whirlwind of reunions now that the walls of Jericho are falling down. I hung out with my Aunt for two days and sewed six blankets. (Half of them are for gifts. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be drowning in receiving blankets.) I finally watched an episode of LOST with my Aunt, my Grandma and a cousin I haven’t seen in ages. If you would have told me I’d be watching television with my relatives last week, I would have slapped my forehead and told you you were crazy. My relatives don’t even have televisions! Television is the “devil in a box”. I guess a lot of things have changed in the last few years. I say hallelujah!

    Watching LOST was great. My Aunt and my cousin got me all up to speed on the fifty trillion details there are to keep track of. Now I know what everybody is raving about. What a freaky show. I don’t know how I’m going to possibly get Toby up to speed so we can watch it next week. It probably won’t even come up since I can’t manage to stay awake past 8pm anyway. I think the only reason I was able to stay up this Wednesday is because I’ve been running on adrenaline. It’s like my heart is at Disneyland or something with all these relatives that I haven’t talked to in ages coming at me with open arms.

    Of course my immediate family (my mom, my dad, my brother and his wife and kids) have always been coming at me with open arms. In fact sometimes my nieces might be a little too loving, like when they tried to squish into bed with me on the couch. But I love them to pieces.

    We went to Starbucks this morning. What a hoot they are with their “medium warm hot chocolate”. I had a decaf eggnog latte for the first time since forever. It was strange but good. Thankfully, my pregnancy aversion seems to be dissipating and the coffee didn’t taste like burnt egg shells like it used to.

    My littlest niece’s birthday is next Wednesday and then there’s Thanksgiving after that… it’s just one fun thing after another. Life is good.