• Buddies,  Bug,  heavy on photos,  travel,  Washington D.C.


    invigorated hover-girl

    I’ve been so busy having fun I’ve had no time to write. Isn’t that how it always is. So how about we skim through my virtual photo album really quick before I forget about all the little stories that have been happening along the way. I’ll try to be breezy.


    Maybe you heard from my twitter stream and facebook updates that the neighbors across the street from Bethany set up a SUPER ULTRA DELUXE Bounce House that they just happen to own. No birthday party or baby shower, not even a family reunion. They just set it up because it was the weekend and the sun was shining.

    fun fun fun happy bounce girl

    Bethany has the best neighbors ever. First there is their giant front yard with a swing set and a slide, then there is this very very very tall tree with really long rope swing. You can climb up the jungle gym part of the swing set, grab onto the rope swing and then fly across the front yard like Tarzan. They also have a bed swing on their porch and a pool in the back yard! Seriously. We might have the beach and coffee shops within walking distance but we’ve never seen anything like this before. I think Bug will never want to leave.

    up the steps weeeeeeee!!

    Did I mention there was a slide inside the bounce house? Yeah. I went over a few times to check on Bug and the neighbors who were sitting on their veranda style porch watching the kids dared me to take a few turns in the bounce house. So I did. I didn’t want them to think Californians are all wimps or anything. I have to say it was pretty fun. Exhilarating really. When I finally climbed out of that bounce house I felt like I’d downed three shots of espresso. I was very productive with the box-unpacking after that. Just a note, you know, if you need something to help you get through the day.

    signs of spring

    Speaking of invigoration, the next day I was dragging again. I think I’m having this problem because besides all the fun I’ve been having, I’ve been eating all sorts of yummy baked treats and drinking coffee non-stop so when I crash, I crash hard. I’d sort of hit a wall with the organizing and badly needed a break. Bethany came up with the brilliant idea of taking a walk at a nearby park. It’s amazing how often I forget that a simple outing outside will make me feel like a brand new person.

    reflected Bug upside-down Bug

    Parks are always a win with kids of course.


    pond reaching

    Parks are very different here. The trees are very brushy and there is evidence of weather at every turn. For example we were walking along the path and suddenly we came upon a lamp post that was tipped over and just laying there on the side of the path with it’s screws sticking out.

    aw, come on! concerned Bug

    All of us had to stop for a moment and contemplate it. That would never happen in California. They’d probably close down the park for two weeks for fear some little kid might climb on it and get tetanus or something. But here, I guess light posts falling over is just a fact of life. Snow happens. Or maybe they just don’t fix things as proactively as they do in Orange County where tax dollars roll in at a premium.

    dangling feet clasp

    It was a fun photo walk. I wish we could go on more. I thought staying here for two weeks would be too long but I could easily stay a week longer because there is so much to do around here.

    Bethany's Shoes

    Speaking of…


    We have seen the sights! We did a little speed-tourism on Saturday.

    Bug on the lawn

    curly sculpture for my dad

    orbiter air and space

    We whipped through the lobby of the Air and Space museum on the way to the Natural History Museum. It was fascinating. They had a little kite display going on which was really cool.

    frowny face

    Bug is trying to copy the face on the kite here. And, yeah, that’s her thing: she looks away from the camera when I ask her to pose. I think she has camera-dismaysia or some other kind of cooperation aversion.

    Natural History Museum rawwwrrrrrrr!!!

    Next we hit up the Natural History Museum which is just as amazing as everyone said it would be. I’ve never really been to a museum with real giant dinosaur bones before so it was really neat to walk around and gawk. Of course it blew Bug’s mind and I’m sure she’ll be talking about it for years to come.

    Crush fascinated

    explaining something about brontasaurus

    so they're not called Dingle Berries...

    For the record, you know those funny little pokey things I’ve been calling Dingle Berries all these years? They’re actually called Sweet-Gum Gumballs. I hate it when Bethany is right—which she always is.

    captured by tron Hope Diamond

    The Hope Diamond is not nearly as big as I thought it would be. It was still pretty fun to look at, if only to see all the other women ogling it. I particularly liked the giant salt molecule blown up that made me feel like I was falling into the land of Tron or something.

    There was sooooo much more to write about but I’m going to have to break this post into parts because we are very very late for some other adventures. That and Bug has been interrupting me every five seconds. So, I’ll keep you posted. Hopefully sooner than later!

  • Buddies,  unpackamania,  Washington D.C.

    DC Blogger Meet-Ups


    We took a break from unpacking today to meet one of my oldest blogging friends, Carrie from Queen of Rambles who happens to live in the DC area. I know Carrie from way way way back. In fact, I think her blog was the second blog I stumbled across before I even knew what blogging was. So it was a treat to meet her in real life. It reaffirms for me that the internet is indeed one of the greatest ways to meet wonderful friends.

    Carrie is just as funny in person as she is online and sweet too. (Which by the way is quite impressive considering she’s eight months pregnant and has every right to be grouchy and unsociable.) I’m actually a little sad that I don’t live here and we can’t meet up regularly. But I have given Bethany strict instructions that they are to become good friends and have playdates regularly so I can live vicariously through them after I go home.

    getting along swimmingly

    The kids got along swimmingly of course which made it super nice for the moms who just wanted to relax and talk. Bethany’s very yummy carrot-cake cupcakes with browned-butter frosting might have something to do with the all-around happiness.

    silly kids

    wack-a-friend Buggity Bug

    Good weather and cardboard castles on the deck are always good for play dates too. I wish I had a deck like this at home. Of course I have the beach so I have no right being jealous but I admit I have to keep reminding myself that it’s super muggy here in the summer so I don’t want to move here.

    Castle on the deck Lily

    The weather here really has been so beautiful. I’ve never experienced Spring like this before. When I got here everything was brown and icy. There were still patches of muddy snow in random places and the ground was mucky to walk on but in a matter of days the sky is bright blue, the grass is turning green and the trees are covered with little tiny buds. There are birds and squirrels everywhere. This morning I saw a red cardinal for the first time in my life. I had to get up from my breakfast and exclaim about it a little bit which made Bethany chuckle because I guess cardinals are about as common as seagulls are back home.

    feeling right at home peek-a-annalie

    Even though we are having a swell time just hanging out at Bethany’s, I think by next week we should be done with the unpacking and ready to see some of the local sights. I’m very excited about the Spy Museum. AND! I’m planning a meet up for local readers and friends this Sunday. Email me if you want details and the secret code phrase. Oh yeah, we’re stealthy like that.