• travel

    Chinatown with Jbomb

    What’s more fun than taking your Chinese friend to Chinatown?

    Nothing!!! She rocks the sidewalks I tell you. From Broadway to Alpine we were the silliest girls telling jokes and chasing the smells of hot garlicy pork buns. I got to ask her every question I ever wanted. From what the Mongolian BBQ Deli sign says to what all the many many boxes of paper clothes are for. I feel like the secrets of the Orient have been unlocked just for me. She is my very own personal tour guide who doesn’t make fun of me for not having a clue. Actually, I take that back. She laughs at me all the time but it is okay because I am her “tall friend with the small face”. Tall with a small face!!! Who can resist a compliment like that?

    In other news: My Dad is now an author. And apparently I’m to do some illustrating for him. Chop! Chop!

  • Buddies,  travel

    Lunching in HB

    Ladies who Lunch in HB

    I had a lunch date with my friend Jbomb yesterday. We decided to meet in Huntington Beach. We just call it “HB” around here cause we’re “local like that”. HB used to be a lot of fun way back in the day. Toby and I used to eat at the Sugar Shack every weekend. Those were the days when I liked to walk around wearing a bikini top for a shirt. Now I’ve been replaced with the next three generations. It’s still fun though. As long as you stay out of the water since leaking sewage seems to be a problem. Ew!

    Jbomb and I had a great time. We ate at a fantastic restaurant, walked up and down the pier, watched the surfers surf gigantic waves (who probably all have infections because they are soaking themselves in polluted waters) and of course shopped. Except Jbomb and I talk so much we mostly just walk. I didn’t buy a thing. Which is good for my saving-my-pennies-for-Paris-plan.

    Here’s a secret about HB that you can learn from a “local” like me. More like a “yokel” but I think it’s the best thing ever when I visit. Parking is a big ol’ pain in HB. Like any beach city, every space has a meter and the tourists flock by the thousands. Everything is crowded even on a cloudy day. Pedestrians block you at every turn. So you might as well just park and walk as soon as possible.

    The best deal in parking is the parking garage across the street from the theatre. (I think it’s $1.50 an hour but most of the nearby restaurants validate.) Once you’re in, go ALL the way to the top. This can be annoying if you’re stuck behind someone hell bent on getting the very first spot available. There is really no point in parking on the first three floors. They are dark and crowded and you’ll never find a spot. Go ALL the way to the top and park on the roof! No one ever parks on the roof and you’ll get a great view of the town. Best kept secret I know. I love the roof. I always spend several minutes up there just watching all the people down below. It’s great. Then, when you’re done people watching, all you have to do is ride the elevator down to main street and tah dah you’re in the middle of everything without the stress and mess.

    There, you can’t say I never told you anything.

    Thanks for all the FAQ’s yesterday and the day before. I’m definitely going to cover how to make a “revolving slide show”. Stay tuned. It’s very easy.