• stealth club

    Zenry Be-Bop it is!


    Congratulations Jen Bo, Kristen and Cathy for naming the space birdy! Bug picked the winner so you can quibble it out with her if you don’t like the name. I will be mailing out a little batch of Zenry stationery to the winners so shoot me your snail mail address if you are the winner!

    Zenry coloring sheet

    Speaking of winners we have another contest! A coloring creative writing contest! It’s just like school around here. All you have to do is color in this coloring sheet of Zenry Be-Bop and write two or more sentences about what Zenry is doing in outer space. Age is not important. The most creative contestant to submit their coloring sheet to my Undercover Crafts club will also win a pack of Zenry stationery!

    Woot! I’ll pick the winner in about a week. I’ll let you know when I’m going to cut off submissions…that is, assuming we have submissions.

  • stealth club

    Coloring Contest WINNERS!!!!


    Guess what happens when somebody organizes a coloring contest and then goes on vacation and then comes home and gets sick with a zillion different illnesses and completely forgets about announcing a winner and all the kids sit home wondering why they even entered in the first place? The organizer hangs her head and shame and announces that EVERYBODY IS A WINNER!!! And EVERYBODY will get a prize! I guess it was a good contest to enter afterall!

    So, if your coloring sheet is up there (and yes, I’m including the kids of the bigger variety and the kids who are my personal friends) send me your mailing info and I will expedite this prize stuff quickly before you all have my head!
