• crazy stuff,  illos,  shopping

    the underwear post

    super push up

    I wish I had written this two hours earlier. Scratch that, make that four hours earlier. It would have been so much funnier back when the synapses in my brain were popping off like whiffle balls out of an air gun. Now they are rolling out like bocce balls in molasses when the air gun is turned off. Why must you leave me hanging like this, you silly grande no-sugar vanilla latte from four hours ago? Enough complaining.

    I have been requested to write about underwear and NOT about Baby Bug. Which is a really stupid request, if you ask me, since 200% of my brain is taken up with Baby Bug these days.


    I’m not supposed to write about Baby Bug but it’s impossible! I can’t. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m a failure! Besides, I have a feeling that me writing about underwear is nothing like you had hoped for anyway. If Justin Timberlake is bringing “sexy back” then I am taking it away again.

    Speaking of “panties”, I’ve read on many blogs that certain people have a problem with that word. I personally don’t but I thought I would show off my html skills (cough cough, that I don’t have) and put in a radio bar so you can change the offending word to something you might like better. Like this: Hmmmm…. that’s more annoying than the offensive word. Maybe I’ll just randomly use all of these words and only offend everybody one sixth of the time.

    The other day Toby told me that I needed to buy new underwear. This is a pretty serious hint because, as all of you know, Toby loves me just the way I am. I can be freckly and flabby and dressed in my mom-slob attire and he still thinks I’m cute. So if he says I need some new underwear, it must be pretty bad. It was.

    After getting the low-down skinny-scoop from whoorl, (who seems to know everything when it comes to being a girl and being sophisticated) I headed off to Gap Body. Apparently, they make these low cut hipsters that are cute, sexy and comfortable. Imagine that! I didn’t think that was possible.

    I have a drawer full of pretty frilly lingerie from Paris but they are NOT comfortable. Cute as a button but I wouldn’t want to have to walk across town in them in the heat of the day. Not to mention, if you wear them every day and wash them at the laundromat instead of hand washing them like you are supposed to, they fall apart into shredded bits. Pffff. I can’t be bothered with hand washing. (That does remind me of another funny underwear story though. More on that later.)

    Anyway, am I ever going to get on with this story? It’s not even that great of a story. By the time I get to the punch line you are going to think you wasted your entire day reading all this. But I continue.

    At The Gap I found a bunch of really nice undergarments. I even found some bras that I desperately need. I’m so embarrassed to admit this but up until about a month ago I was still wearing my really nice soft cotton nursing bra from Japanese Weekend. It’s really nice and it was designed by a ballerina so that makes it okay. It’s not like it was one of those heavy duty over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder bras with clips to open the cups or anything. It’s soft and wrap-around-ish like those sweaters that ballerinas wear.

    But yeah. It has no support. It kinda makes a not-so-well-endowed girl, like me, look like I’m wearing a bunch of undershirts rolled up under my clothes. Or I’m Hillary Swank wrapping myself in ace bandages. Except I don’t have anything to really wrap. The point is, it might be pretty and soft but it is not so very flattering.

    I haven’t been bra shopping in a while and I had no idea that the store personnel tighten the straps up to the very minimum so the bra hangs pretty on a hanger. I didn’t notice this before I put it on, of course. So there I am wedged into something that feels five sizes too small and my little boobs are pushed up to my chin. Is this how the girls are wearing them these days? No. I just needed to readjust.

    laughing at mom

    Readjusting while you are still wearing the bra is like trying to play cat’s cradle with a jump rope while you are tied up in it. It was a pain and a half, especially when you are shopping with a bored toddler who thinks her stroller is jail. I was so twisted up with the straps and my Elizabethan cleavage, it was terrible. And then Baby Bug had to go and laugh at me. Yes, she did. I just wanted to fling the silly thing on the floor and ban all bras forever.

    I did manage to untangle myself and get my boobs down to their proper height. I even made it out of the dressing room before Baby Bug threw a temper tantrum. The end.

    I told you the end would be anticlimactic. What can I say? This is a special request post. Not really a subject I’m known for excelling at. But I would like to add, the hipster undies are most definitely cute and sexy and comfortable. You should go get yourself some.

    I have two more skivvies stories. One is about hand washing.

    Way back in the day, way way way before Baby Bug, I used to live here in this apartment with three other girls. This was before Toby. One day I decided I was going to hand wash my unmentionables. I don’t know why. I was probably bored—something that makes no sense to me now.

    I carefully washed all twenty seven pairs of drawers and then hung them on a make shift clothesline in my bedroom window. Because that was where the sun was at. We don’t have a yard here and the patio is shady and cold.

    Well, guess who stopped by with his new wife to see my apartment? My boss! The president of the company I was working for at the time. He lived on my street and I guess he thought he’d take his new wife on a walk and check out the neighborhood and my apartment. I don’t know how or why they decided to “take a tour” but they did.

    It was terrible! My house is so dirty all the time because of our awful carpet. I was embarrassed. I wanted to hide. But what could I do? He’s my boss and his new wife wanted to see my place. (She wasn’t really known for her tact.) So of course I led them from room to room and when they got to my room, there were all twenty seven pairs of underthings just hanging there in plain view.

    It was so horrible and embarrassing. I don’t even remember what they said. I know they said something because I do remember clearly that they didn’t pretend they weren’t there. I guess I blocked it out. Thankfully, the subject was never brought up at the office.

    My other story happened when I was on a cruise to Mexico. A good friend of mine got married on the ship and then took her whole bridal party (and me) with her and her husband on their honeymoon. How fun is that? Pretty fun.

    We stopped in Puerto Vallaarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. It was a blast.* We toured a tequila factory, drank way too many piña coladas, danced the night away and generally did what you do when you are on a party cruise ship. On our last stop in Cabo, they only let you get off the boat for four hours. Not really enough time to do anything other than shop and get drunk. I’m not a heavy drinker so I dragged my friends out of some skanky bar and forced them to go down to the water with me.

    Oh the water! It is SO blue there. It’s so bright you can’t tell the difference between the sky and the water. It’s turquoise like you’ve never seen turquoise. It’s beautiful. We were so in love with the water, we decided that we had to take a swim in it right that very minute. How could we not? When would we be here again? It was a once in a life time (well for me anyway, since I’m married to the anti-traveler) opportunity.

    The only problem was, we didn’t bring our bathing suits with us. I don’t know why we didn’t. The weather is so hot down there I should have been wearing my bikini 24/7. But I wasn’t. Just shorts and a tank top. So you know what we did. We stripped down to our panties (sorry! I’m out of words!) and went swimming anyway. I’m so glad too.

    From that day on, amongst that group of friends, I am known as “Commando” not because I wasn’t wearing any underpants but because mine were camouflage. There’s something you didn’t know. I wear camouflage underwear. I’m sure there’s a joke in that somewhere.

    *except of course the case of Montezuma’s Revenge I got on the last day. But that’s just part of going to Mexico.

  • crazy stuff,  my art is going to the dogs,  Newsbreaking Hair News,  shopping

    ‘Twas the night before the big gallery show…

    from here to fabulous

    Tomorrow is the big day and I’m starting to get nervous. I’m not a wreck but I could be. I haven’t blogged about it because it didn’t seem newsworthy (and I didn’t want anybody not coming just because they were afraid of germs) but…. I have had a cold all week and guess what, my voice is completely gone!

    No voice! Imagine that! Arg. I’m crossing my fingers, drinking tea and hoping it comes back by tomorrow. I am pretty much better. I feel fine and I’m sure I’m not contagious but my voice, it has left the building. So if you are thinking of coming, PLEASE COME! Don’t be afraid of my germs. I’m harmless!

    You know why you want to come? Because you want to see me magically transformed from this:

    hippie chick

    …into something fabulous! I don’t know how it’s going to happen or what I’m going to turn into but it’s going to be good. So please come and see. Otherwise the suspense is going to kill you.

    How did I get to be such a slovenly looking hippie mom anyway? This sort of snuck up on me. It had something to do with having a baby and not being able to go shopping for clothes or get my hair cut. I like to think of myself as someone with style but lately the comments from my friends have got me wondering. It’s not that I don’t care about how I look it’s just that… well, I can’t be bothered. I have no time for vanity!

    Except today I was crippled with vanity. I started thinking about all the people who are going to meet me for the first time and how my pictures on my blog don’t accurately portray me as the shabby hippie mom that I am. I started to freak out a little bit, actually.

    I decided to go dress shopping. More for my self esteem than really needing a new dress. (I must be crazy. Who goes dress shopping to boost their self esteem?) I know everybody’s still going to like me if I wear that black strapless from 1998 or my old stand by “seagull poop” dress (as Toby calls it except he doesn’t say poop) that I wear all the time for any photographable event like going out to donuts for example. But I wanted to get something new.

    Shopping is the pits for me. I hate it. I hate all the new styles. I hate all the new colors. I hate how nothing fits. I hate how I’m always drawn to styles that are not flattering to my body type. I hate how everything is for fall when it feels like summer. You want me to wear wool and brocade when sweat is dripping down my back? Fashion is crazy.

    Baby Bug was a good sport but the endless hours in dressing rooms even wore her down. She was very frustrated when I would pick out something orange or green and not let her try it on too. She’s obsessed with orange and green.

    Get this, while buckled in her stroller, Baby Bug tried to take her shirt off and put on an orange brocade dress from Anthropologie that was hanging on the wall beside her on a hanger. Her efforts were worth a gold medal. I’m not completely cold hearted so I gently let her put the five thousand-times-too-big dress over her head.

    That turned out to be a big mistake. She got twisted up in the rolls and rolls of sweaty thick fabric and the more I tried to pull her out of it the more she cried. It was really really sad. We both left the dressing room feeling frustrated and completely deflated.

    We wandered out of Anthropologie in a daze and somehow, probably because I just plain wasn’t looking, I walked straight into a couture boutique shop not even noticing that the dresses I was looking at had price tags of $700 and up.

    I do not belong in such a shop. I don’t know what I was thinking but guess what, a miracle happened. Now that I think about it, I think I did say a little prayer of desperation to God while we were tangled up in the orange dress at Anthropologie. I think I said something like, Please God, help me get out of this mess. But I never expected my prayer to be answered like this.

    There I was wandering aimlessly in a fancy boutique shop, probably muttering to myself, when this very friendly sales guy came up to me and asked me if he could help. I think I said something like, “There is no hope for us.” He laughed but I really meant it. He somehow got it out of me that I have a big gallery opening tomorrow and decided to take me under his wing. I think I might have said something about being a painter… in my hoarse whispering voice.

    “Stay right there,” he said. “I’ll be back in five minutes with five fabulous dresses that will be perfect for your show.” He didn’t even ask my size. He just looked me up and down and was gone in a flash of fairy dust.

    That was about when I finally woke up and noticed that the price tags had extra zeros on them. Uh oh. How was I going to tell this guy that I can’t afford to be trying on clothes in a shop like this? I decided I would humor him and just pretend I didn’t like any of them.

    But he read my mind. He came back with five dresses in shades of dark grays and browns. “You don’t really want a couture gown for your event,” he said. “Your art is whimsical. You need something fun that you’ll feel comfortable in.” I looked at the price tag of a dress dangling from his arm. Phew… it was totally affordable.

    How did he know? He must be an angel. I took all five dresses into the dressing room and proceeded to try them on with my eyes bugging out of my head. Guess what? Every single one of them fit. How did he know my size! I would have never picked any of them out myself. They just hung limp on their hangers, looking like nothing special.. but then when I put them on they became magic dresses! Hip hugging dresses with low scoop necklines and fancy sleeves that offset my um…generous pear shaped lower half. How did he know!

    I wanted to hug him and do a little dance. The dresses, they fit! I didn’t feel ugly or fat or shaggy or unkempt. It was a miracle. He even played peek a boo with Baby Bug through the dressing room curtain so I could examine the hem and swoon over the pretty magic dresses. It was wonderful.

    I bought one dress and I’m wearing it tomorrow. Maybe you’ll get to see it.