October and November calendars ready for download!
You’d think I could whip out December and be done with it but no, Bug woke up from her nap and this is all I got done. Maybe tomorrow… maybe next month. It’s that crazy time of year when suddenly summer is over and KABAMO! it’s the holidays!
Here is October and here is November. Happy downloading!
The highlight of my day today will be getting a new phone.
So we’re back. The first thing I did, after I unloaded my car of all my luggage and gave Toby the run down on the family saga, was head off to the park with Bug. I didn’t even open my laptop, which is unheard of for me. You can usually count off the minutes before I crack open the portal to my virtual world. I guess it was just too hot and I was too tired and the park sounded good.
Amazingly Bug played with some new friends for quite a long time, giving me many minutes to just sit on the sidelines and think. Which is what I really need right now. I feel like I’ve been away from home more than I’ve been at home lately. It’s sort of a lost feeling, like I’m bouncing from drama circle to drama circle and not completely solving any problems anywhere. BUT! It’s not really as bad as it sounds. I should be thankful that I’m welcome so many places. I just need to make home base feel more like home base, if you know what I mean.
So we are home and I’m going to get some stuff done here for a change. First order of business is to get a new phone. This old razor piece o’ crap has seen it’s last day. I’ve been putting up with the half screen for a while and lately it’s taken to zapping me. I open it up to make a call and OUCH!! I get a charlie horse in my ear. I already hate talking on the phone enough as it is…this has been making it worse! Sadly, I’m not in the market for an iphone. I just can’t budget that $60-$80 monthly payment in but anything new that doesn’t zap me will totally make my day.
* * *
The news on my brother is that he is home. They made it home safe yesterday around noon and went straight to his doctor. He’s been referred to a cardiologist and is scheduled (or will be scheduled) for a stress test and an ultra-sound to look for a blood clot in his legs. He’s officially off work for a month with no pay because the company he works for is based out of Nebraska and they don’t offer sick pay/disability (or something, I’m not quite clear on those details). BUT they are eligible for food stamps. I think we’ll be getting creative as a family to make that work. Mostly I think a lot of the load will fall on my Dad so please pray for my Dad, he works hard enough as it is.