• Bug,  easy on the words,  heavy on photos,  place holder posts,  Tis the Season

    pictorial post

    How Santa really gets around.

    Santa and her Wheely Bug. Now you know how Santa really gets around.


    Lately I feel like I better take pictures of these before they go extinct.

    Santa and Bug

    The kid who is not afraid of Santa… I’m not sure that’s a good thing. She told him she wants markers for Christmas. I told her Santa wasn’t going to bring her any if she didn’t remember to put the lids back on the ones she already has. Poor kid might be coloring with coal soon.

    little girl walking

    Little Girl Walking.

    she jumped right out of my photo!

    And Bouncing! She jumped right out of my picture, I swear!


    And me.

  • diary illos,  place holder posts

    The Christmas Walk and the Papasan Chair of Death



    1. When I babysit I take Bug with me. We spend the night because the kids I babysit live in a really big house with a guest room and it’s a lot easier just to crash there than to pack up and leave when the parents get home after midnight.

    2. I don’t know why I say Starbucks is a tradition. We go there way too often.

    3. The illustration of me at the bottom doesn’t look like me, I know. It’s just that I had a bad hair day.

    4. Sonja is this Sonja. She’s super fun. I’m sorry I drew her so poorly but I that’s just how these diary illos go.

    5. You’ll have to ask Bethany about the Papasan chair. I hope she lives to tell the tale. I also hope she doesn’t kill me for drawing about it.

    6. Christmas walk photos to come.

    7. Now I’m off to run a thousand errands in the rain. Wish me luck. We Southern Californians know nothing about driving in wet stuff.