Adventurers in Downtown LA
You know I love adventure. I love big cities. I love little towns. I love the countryside. I love the sea side. I even sometimes love the ugly downtrodden side! I just love getting out and exploring the world.
Of course getting out of Orange County is a huge big deal because I am kind of bored of my safe little neighborhood. I love it here but I also love to get out of it and when I do, my eyes are so big taking everything in.
Naturally, I love having a travel agent friend (aka Teresa). I mean, how could I not? I want to download her brain and snag some insider tips on travel! Who wouldn’t?! But she’s also super nice and one of my very best friends.
We have a lot of common interests but exploring LA (and specifically points of interest from the tv show Bosch) is definitely one of them. So when she was going to meet a mutual friend and client in LA to discuss travel, I hopped on the chance to tag along. Woo hoo!
We went super early of course so we could sneak in some sight-seeing before her lunch meeting. We explored the Bradbury Building—a favorite of mine ever since I spotted it on 500 Days of Summer.
Have you ever seen such a beautiful building? It’s like a giant iced cake of design in a Victorian bird-cage like atrium. Does that even make sense? You get it. We didn’t have time to brush up on all the history but I do plan to find out the story behind this building and it’s famous namesake architect.After that we hopped on Angel’s flight because if you watch Bosch it’s a major key landmark and why not. It’s better than walking up a steep hill in the hot, hot sun.
Then a block or two later we met up with our friend (and Teresa’s client), Christine, (You might recognize her as Bug’s old elementary school principal!) for lunch at Bottega Louis.
Wow. This place. It’s so pristine and perfect. It felt like a fancy hotel lobby with perfect lighting in Paris. Except we weren’t. It’s an Italian restaurant in LA.
Macarons and pretty treats for days. Huge white walls reaching expansive bright white ceilings with decorative crown molding…
Cooks and servers, waiters and bakers…everyone on their toes being polite with Disney-trained smiles and good attitudes. You definitely get what you pay for here. Primo primo!
I was smitten with the crazy flower-bomb bouquets and the white walls. A perfect backdrop for a movie if I ever decided to make one. See that guy on the right? He totally caught me taking his picture. I never made eye-contact though so I’m hoping he’s thinking I was taking a close-up of the bottle and blurring him behind. We both just pretended it never happened. He ate a whole pizza and drank a beer by himself and then left, walking by with a gold-handled cane. I would love to know his back-story.
Our lunch lasted for hours and nobody pushed us to leave. It really was like being in Paris. But guess what the best part of our three hour lunch was?
Christine talked me and Teresa into visiting Italy (for a week) with her next month. YESSSS!!!! Of course we had to go home and talk it over with our families but she planted the seed and we fell for it hook, line and sinker. Can you believe it? It will be a bit of a stretch but I’ve landed a few jobs and I think I can swing it. The tickets are bought and I cannot wait to be blogging from ITALY! I will be sharing everything with you of course!
Please drop me a line with all your recommendations. We plan to hit Milan, Florence and Venice.
After that fun-packed lunch, we weren’t ready to stop talking yet so we walked through the Biltmore hotel next-door and continued our Italy discussion.
The Biltmore is also a Bosch landmark so Teresa was happy to get her travel agent research in. She’s putting together a tour for other Bosch fans. What a fun job she has.
We both have fun jobs and I have to admit I know how lucky we are to be freelancers who can take our jobs on the road with us. and take three hour plus lunches (!). I don’t know that I’ll be doing any crafts in Italy but I do think I could get a book idea out of it. Little Hoo in Italy perhaps? Wouldn’t that be a fun travel series?
After the Biltmore we walked through the downtown market, got some ice latte’s and a small treat. We talked and talked and talked some more until we had to come back to the reality that we had to go home and we had to sit in some serious traffic. Ugh. The only bad part about visiting LA: traffic. Next time we’re going to take the train!
Solana Beach Weekend
I wasn’t going to blog our weekend in Solana Beach because it was one of those rabble-rousing weekends of debauchery BUT as I was going over my photos (I took my camera with me!) I realized I had more to say about this fun little weekend trip than I thought! Added value, right?
First of all I cannot express how much fun the train ride is. On the way to the races it was quite crowded and rowdy and even though we had splurged on business class we didn’t actually end up in business class or reap any of the business class benefits. However, on the way home on Sunday we did and let me tell you, they treat you like first class!
Free snacks, free water, free coffee, free tiny bottles of wine, free smiles and jokes from the guy who collects your ticket… It was actually really amazing and you only pay $10 extra! You get way better treatment in business class than you ever would on first class on an airplane. It’s like the trains are still back in time.
So before they figure out they are losing money you should treat yourself to a little surfliner cruise. It’s really fun, peaceful (I love watching out the windows) and you meet new people. And I haven’t even mentioned the BEST PART OF ALL: you beat the traffic on the 405 on a weekend! It’s so satisfying to look out the window as you whiz past zillions of cars stuck in traffic. SO LONG SUCKERS! you’ll say in your brain. Trains are the BEST.
Next best thing about our Solana Beach weekend is my friend Erika’s parents’ condo. Having a friend with a vacation condo is key. I really love her condo because it is all white and if I blur my eyes I can pretend I am vacationing on a Greek island. It’s close enough to the ocean to see it from their balcony but not close enough to actually walk, unless you really want to get a good walk in. But that’s okay because we were there for the Del Mar races anyway.
I’m not like a super huge race or gambling fan but I can appreciate it once a year or so. There’s something fun and exciting about being in the stands with a bunch of people and rooting for a horse that has a pretty name. Payam is much more of a gambler than any of us and he actually referred to some stats in a book but that was way beyond me. I was obviously more into picture taking and having a drink or three.
In fact I had so many drinks I had some pictures in my camera that I don’t even remember taking. These people look like fun.
I’m not sure why I took their picture but it looks like they were a fun bunch.
Most of all it was fun being with our friends. It was Erika’s birthday so we celebrated all day long, like you do. Lots of good food, lots of drinks and lots of being silly.
But before any of you worry about me being an alcoholic (believe me, I worry too) let me share that I have seriously cut down and because of that I’ve lost weight! Go figure! I used to love a glass of wine when I was cooking a complicated recipe but I’ve cut wine out completely (watching my sugar intake) and after a week of not having it I didn’t even miss it anymore! I think I was addicted to the sugar and not the alcohol. Of course, I still love a Persian margarita (lime, lots of ice and expensive tequila) now and then but I’ll save the caloric drinking for special occasions with awesome train rides, white condos and friends.