• artsy fartsy,  illos,  na blow me

    Day Sixteen: Skipping Ahead to Z!

    zebra shoes

    When I took this picture I could only think of one thing: I have to make a Zebra Flash Card!!! So I hope you don’t mind I’m skipping over “x” and “y” momentarily so I can hurry up and get to “z”! Have no fear I will get to “x” and “y” before Christmas.

    Z is for Zebra

    Here are your cards! (I threw in a secret bonus one for fun and because I felt guilty for the little boys…)

  • Beach Bits,  Bug,  na blow me

    Day Fifteen: Holding Down the Beach

    11/14 flipflops again

    Baby Bug and I have been working very hard to keep the beach down for you guys. You know just in case it blew away while we weren’t looking. We’ve been spending a lot of time sitting around on it and taking pictures.

    working hard

    It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it. Sure we have a little extra laundry to do from sitting on the soggy sand but we’ll manage.

    soggy seat