Things Got Better
Things Got Better
You know what’s great about life, or at least about my life, even when I’m feeling crappy and pregnant 89% of the time? Every time I have a really bad day, I usually have a good day after that.
In fact yesterday, on top of reading so many encouraging comments from readers who’ve experienced these same feelings of worthlessness I have, I actually went for FOUR straight hours without any nausea!!! Either it’s because my body works in waves and after a really bad wave of hormones there is a brief intermission OR it’s because I made chocolate chip cookies for my Dad for father’s day and eating cookie dough is a great way to fend off nausea. Right up there with McDonald’s cheeseburgers and fries and ice cream. I know! I’m going to gain 500 pounds! But on some days, when you’re just so sick of feeling sick, 500 pounds doesn’t seem like the worst thing that could happen.
So yeah, I had a good day yesterday! I owe everyone who commented and emailed me a huge thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you all. Probably feel worthless.
I also finally finished up the baby bird painting. It’s a little flat and the branches look like nothing that would grow in nature but I consider it a major accomplishment since the day before yesterday I thought I’d never touch a paintbrush again.
Thanks again!
p.s. I threw in the “No Barking” and the girl with the Rainbow-Brite hair picture because they made me laugh. Just a few details that made yesterday a better day. I love a little laugh.
Midnight Worries
Midnight Worries
I think my car missed me while I was away. It didn’t like sitting still at the curb for two weeks so it decided to let all of it’s oil drain out and then turn on it’s check engine light when I revved it up yesterday. Toby helped me add two quarts of oil but it was still pissed off at me and kept the check engine light on angrily. So now it’s at the shop and I’m walking everywhere, which is nothing new to me since I walked everywhere when I was in Paris.
Other than the car trouble, things seem to be back in the swing. I’m still a bit off with my timing…for example I’m typing this post at 5:14 in the morning and I’ve been up since 3… but that could be normal, I suppose. I’m a bit worried about my party this weekend. I tend to worry when I wake myself up at night. I sent the official invitations out on Monday, they should get to everyone by Thursday. Two days notice? Yikes. And most my friends are planners…. so I’m a bit nervous that no one will come. I always worry about these things. Must stem from those elementary school birthday parties where nobody came. But even if just three or four people show up, it will still be fun. (If you are thinking of coming, drop me a line so I can get an idea how much
two buck chuckfancy French wine to buy.)Yawn. I think I better stop worrying and go back to sleep.