• illos

    little g and little h and special requests!

    little g is for little giraffes!

    Is it after five already and I haven’t written my special request Friday post? What is wrong with me?. Blame it on Bethany Actually. She instant messages me now and then and she is totally addicting. I’m such a chatterbox. I can’t stop when somebody chats back at me. It’s bad.

    I’m so glad somebody asked me for a list because I can do a list! Below is a list of the special requests posts that I need to write.

    List! Onward with the list! Listilistiness

    1. The cat post. My mom has two cats that she needs to find homes for. It is really sad sad sad so we’re hoping that if I write something about them (and maybe put up a movie with really sad music) somebody will feel sorry for the poor kitties and offer to adopt them.

    2. An underwear post. Somebody (who I will not name because he is a perv) has asked me to write a post that is about me and not about baby bug and maybe about shopping for underwear… little does he know that I did go shopping for underwear the other day and it was not one bit sexy. I would probably ignore this request but I have a very funny illustration in mind that is calling to get out of my head.

    3. A list post (Done!)

    4. A letter’s post (Done!)

    5. A post about my ideal dream freelance assignment or my dream theme party. This oughtta be fun.

    6. A post about growing up in the sticks. I can do that. I can probably find some really good pictures to go with it too. It’s not like we lived on a farm or anything but it isn’t the fancy schmancy OC either

    7. A post about my craft ideas I never got around to. That will be a long one.

    Well that should keep me busy for a good long while. Happy Weekend everybody!

    little h is for little hats

    Get your letters here!Oh no! You missed the free download. Stay tuned though. They will be for sale in my shop some day.

  • illos,  Shop Talk

    Stop Thief!

    It’s going to be hard for me to write this post so please bear with me. I’m full of emotion and not really in the right frame of mind to be putting sentences together.

    stop thief 1

    You may have heard that one of my illustrations got stolen and has been used as the masthead for a website that gathers news and helpful hints for mothers. It’s bad enough that they are using my illustration as their main logo and top graphic but they’ve also plastered that same image on every single cafépress item available. My illo that I created from my heart is plastered like baby throw up all over teddy bears and mugs and t-shirts. I am ill. I would never do this. I would never let anyone do this. It is sickening.

    stop thief 2

    About a year ago I sold this image to a company (who is NOT momsbuzz) who holds all rights to it. I am under contract to this company. This company and only this company can use this graphic. So what does this mean? It means that I have all the legal rights in the world to bust the mom site who is using my image. But it also means that I’ve been naive and an idiot to think I could share my work with the world wide internet and not have it get stolen. I have to take everything down and protect it.

    I’m going back to ground zero. I’ve taken all my galleries down and protected all of my illustrations that were up on flickr. I’m starting over. I haven’t made up my mind what I’m going to do. I want to have a body of work up on the internet for people to see but I have to do it in such a way that it can’t get ripped off so easily.

    I’m not a web designer and I don’t know flash so this is going to be something that takes a long time. It makes me sad but at the same time, starting fresh is always a good thing. I needed a redesign anyway.

    MomsBuzz has until midnight tonight to take the image down. After that it’s war. I’ve asked nicely. I could sue for all the profits they’ve made off my image but I don’t want that. I just want my illustration back. I loved that little illo.

    Update: A public apology has been made. It’s getting better.