• Alpha+Mom post,  Bug,  heavy on photos,  Tis the Season

    Living Room Photo Shoot


    Last week I shot a “fashion shoot” for AlphaMom in my living room. I’ve done a lot of photography in this little one-bedroom apartment but this shoot actually felt almost professional. We had a real backdrop and some really cool mettaprints props (shown below) and Bug and our neighbor, Mohammed, are about as pro as it gets when it comes to modeling.


    They are both pretty photogenic naturally but they’ve got the goofball posing down. Perhaps the I like to Move It, Move It and Gangnam Style music blaring in the background helped. Music always makes everything more fun.


    Anyway, they both had a blast and are looking forward to making real paychecks (!) this time instead of the usual frozen yogurt treats that I usually pay them with.


    I love our new Aspen Trees that we are now selling at mettaprints.com.  We did them as a custom order for a client and then loved them so much we had to make more for the shop. It’s like I had my own “Where the Wild Things Are” in my living room. (In more ways than one.)


    I had to stop the wild things from pummeling each other with pillows and taking down my cardboard aspen woodland.

    But at the end of the day I gotta say it wasn’t a bad gig!

  • 15 minute posts,  domesticity,  heavy on photos

    Daiso Linens

    daiso-linens1 I thought I’d blogged about Daiso before but apparently I haven’t or maybe I called it something different like “Japanese 99 cent store” which is what it really is. They are online and in Japan and now they are in California* which is really really cool for people like me.  If you have one in your town you should check them out because you can find all sorts of interesting treasures for really cheap. daiso-linens2 Like these dishtowels for a buck fifty! Aren’t they pretty? I’m on a mission to collect them all. daiso-linens3 This works very well for me because I tend to use my dishtowels for everything (ahem, coffee messes) and they get stained so quickly. So having a lot of them really really helps and I don’t have to feel guilty ruining them because I can pick up more for very cheaply. daiso-linens4You’ve probably noticed I use these towels for handy backgrounds on my daily latte art shots. They sure look a lot better than dirty tile grout. :| daiso-linens5They also work really great as pot holders when you’re too hungry to wait for your bowl of steaming rice and poached eggs topped with Sriracha sauce to cool down.  You wouldn’t know what that’s like at all. Mmmmm… the work-at-home lunch of champions.

    *yes, it does worry me that the only location list of Daiso stores I can find is a recall list. Cheap is like that sometimes…