The War on Cardboard and Other Amusements
I’d say we are about at the midway point of the un-packinig. Slowly but surely we are taking back the house from the sea of cardboard. It’s an uphill battle but with enough lemon bars the war can be won!
Annalie’s bedroom was done but it just didn’t feel right so we rearranged everything all over again. Bethany and I were joking that we like moving 7 foot tall book-filled book cases around like they are 300 pound puzzle pieces.
When we finally had everything just right with heater vents not covered and at least one exposed plug, the rug didn’t fit so we hacked it up like real IKEA hacks. That was pretty fun.
We are having a lot of fun. If Toby wouldn’t miss us so much I would seriously consider doing this unpacking gig as a full time job.
Bug is having the time of her life playing with Annalie and generally just being a kid. The house is big and full of interesting nooks to explore. But to Bug the outside is even more exciting and she begs to go outside all day long. It’s going to be hard for her to go home where she is stuck in her boring old living room while I get stuff done on my laptop. That’s life I suppose.
But until then we are going to live it up! And I’m going to show that cardboard who’s boss!
We’re here!
We had a great flight with plenty of turbulence to keep things exciting, just how we like it. Bug was a super flight champ. She loves flying just as much as I do. She chattered and exclaimed and was generally happy and delightful during the whole flight.
Here we are in the sun shining in from the airplane window. It was a pretty early flight so we got to experience dawn while sitting in the airplane waiting for it to take off. Good thing both Bug and I are morning people.
What can I say? We were warmly received. Even the weather hasn’t been cold! I might even say it’s the same temperature here that it is at home. What’s up East Coast?! I even brought my winter coat! I wanted to wear it for once in my life. Phooey.
That night, after the girls were in bed, Bethany and I stayed up and unpacked her kitchen. We somehow magically drank the perfect amount of coffee and alcohol and had a little party all by ourselves. I know I’m crazy but I think unpacking is FUN!
The next day we discovered Annalie’s GIANT backyard. Compared to our tiny patio it was like living on a estate. Grass and hills to run on and trees! Oh my! Bug was so happy.
But we had to cut that short because it was Bethany’s birthday and we had people to meet and things to do! First a birthday lunch with Bethany’s friends, who are all very sweet of course and then some pottery painting after that! That’s how Bethany rolls. She didn’t bake herself a cake though. We’ll have to amend that.