Morning Vlog from Bug
How cute are my mom and dad?
My dad is home for a few days to help my Grandpa move out of the Castle and into a more assisted living home. I know, it’s sad. My Grandpa is not happy about it either but he’s been requiring more and more help from my mom these days and she’s worn out. It’s nice to have my dad home though. I’ve seen him for about two minutes and in that two minutes he asked me to photograph some new “his & hers” slippers that he knitted for some friends. He hopes to sell more of them in his shop.
I took a bunch of pictures of the slippers all lined up on my dark wood table and then on the sisal rug. I situated them this way and that..but it just wasn’t inviting enough for me. What I really needed was a couple to model them. Where can I get some models? I thought. And then I looked at my mom and dad who were sitting right there watching me. They are not models but I guess real love shows up on camera better than I realized.
And then of course Bug had to get in on it too.