Bug is a pretty imaginative child. I can’t believe I used to fret that she would not be creative because I was always making things up for her. There was a time when I thought she would NEVER learn how to play by herself. It was exhausting. Well, that is not a problem anymore. This kid comes up with the craziest games and stories for herself. I want to say I couldn’t make this stuff up but that’s not entirely true. I probably could make stuff up like this but I didn’t and it’s awesome.
She’s a dolphin. Can’t you tell by the blue leggings and white flipper arms covered by a blue tank top? And of course the blue sock flipper tail. That’s a dead give away. Dur!
Also the “eeeeeeeeeeech! eeeeeech!” screechings should be a clue.
She even made her own fish food.
Poor little fishies are going to be devoured by the voracious dolphin.
She also does tricks for her food.
And she’s very trainable. I just need to train her to clean up her room afterwards.
15 minute posts, Beach Bits, Buddies, Bug, easy on the words, Family Matters, heavy on photos, Niece-com-poops, Super Dad
Girls of Summer: OC weekend (photo dump)
We started at Starbucks—a very expensive choice made by me but happily accepted by four non-coffee frappuccino-slurping girls. I really need to curb my caffeine habit.
Then we took Bug to gymnastics (Ballet was out for the week) and afterwards Toby took all of us to dinner on the pier in Balboa. The good thing about not seeing Toby for a whole week is that when he does see us, he doesn’t mind if there are FIVE rowdy girls instead of just two. It was a real circus.
We took Bug’s good friend “Boo” from the neighborhood. We may have been trying to show off how cool the ocean is. She was happy to oblige us and be impressed.
And the nieces. They miss their mom so much that whenever I suggested we take a picture of them together for her, they cuddled together like two little chicks and didn’t even whack each other, which is often their habit.
Us on the pier. I really need to try and be in more pictures.
The light was really cool as the sun was setting because there was this heavy fog bank that blocked the rays that would normally blind you. So we got to take interesting unusual pictures we normally couldn’t see.
Long shadows on the walk back to the car…
And more getting-along-nieces shots. Where did Rapunzel get such pretty lips? Not my side of the family.
Of course Pouty McPouterson had to join the party.
Thankfully the fun wasn’t hampered. “Don’t get wet!” I threatened in vain. Words to the wind, words to the wind…
Pretty pier.
Boo is properly excited.
It’s too bad I have my point-and-shoot camera set up to take super vertical shots and I cut off Super Chic’s face but I still love this photo. It really is a “slice of life.” A super narrow skinny slice. Super Chic is handing me shells to keep forever but of course I put them in some pocket and they are probably lost in the washing machine now. I love Rapunzel’s cackle.
More slices.
I love this shot of Boo playing jumprope with a piece of kelp. She wasn’t afraid of the slimy kelp at all. That’s my kinda kid.
The next day we initiated Boo into our traditional breakfast of doughnuts on lifeguard tower number five.
Patriotic sprinkles were enjoyed.
And then they were off to the sea. There really was no stopping them.
Catching a few rides in the morning soup.
This kid was unstoppable. She’s never had a boogie board before because technically she doesn’t know how to swim yet. But really, she can swim. She’s in the water more than she’s out and she’s not afraid to get her face wet at all. If she had her way, we would have been at the ocean all day and all night for probably the rest of the year. She never gets cold and she never gets tired. She borrowed a board this year and she may have found her life’s calling. I think I know what I’m getting her for her birthday this year: her own board.
Deb and Eric stopped by for a quick visit. I love my old beach friends.
By the way, Deb is on twitter now! One of these days I’ll get her to put up her own website. She really needs one. She has such amazing art.
We stopped by her house for a quick chat and I snuck in a few more photos of her art-filled house. She calls it a mess. I call it beautiful.
Rapunzel was looking particularly pretty and blue-eyed next to this stunning painting. Not sure which is prettier.
And then back to the beach! This time with sunblock.
Woooo-eeeeee! Boo took to the waves like a natural.
Bug stuck to the sand, much to my relief. I took a book to read but I couldn’t get much reading done because I was constantly looking up to count off my chicks. One, two, three, four. Phew. They’re all still alive. Then back to reading.
Which by the way, is a very good book Did you know Journey Mama wrote it? She’s such beautiful writer.
It’s just as much of a pleasure to read as her blog. She has a way with details…I’m completely engrossed in the story and quite attached to all of the characters. I’m not done yet but when I am, I’m going to have her do a guest post and maybe even a give away. I really think you all would enjoy reading it too. It’s a keeper. Of course I’m personally invested because it’s set in Northern California which is near and dear to my heart.
But back to Southern California and the waves…
I think it’s safe to say, a good time was had.