• Beach Bits,  Buddies,  Bug

    Sand Castle Festival 06

    Sunday was the annual Sand Castle Festival at our local beach. I’m super bummed that I’ve lost my archives with all the pictures from the year we actually participated in the contest. That was the best. I don’t think I’ll be participating again for a while. At least not until Baby Bug is not so fond of eating sand and making big messes.

    Since we can’t participate in the castle building contests, we are content to visit the sand castles. This year was a little bit disappointing. There weren’t really any good castles. Not like other years where some of the sculptures are truly amazing. I guess all the professional sand castle builders took this year off. Most of the castles this year were low to the ground and pretty tame. I think we might have even have had a chance at winning if we had participated this year.

    We made the dull castle event extra fun by hanging out with my friend Jbomb and her baby, Max. And then we went to Sprinkles for a cupcake treat afterwards. You can’t beat that!

  • artsy fartsy,  Bug

    Baby and a Box

    We are so lucky to live next to a drug dealer pharmaceuticals rep who always has loads and loads of cardboard boxes stacked outside her house for trash pick up. It’s so handy. I’ve used a box now and then for shipping things but finally I grabbed a great big box and cut up Baby Bug’s first official Box House, or should I say Box Castle.

    I am the queen of cutting up cardboard boxes. I dream of big refridgerater boxes and washing machine boxes and perhaps a few large old fashioned computer boxes when computers used to come with big fat monitors. There is nothing so much fun as the sound of a serrated knife sawing through cardboard and the vision of a shuttered window, a rocket ship spy hole or even a mailbox slot. I’ve been known to build things out of cardboard boxes well into my thirties and that was before I even had a kid. Now I get to live it all over again for her!

    She loved it as much as an eight month old loves anything. For about five seconds.

    Actually we recycled the box into many many reincarnations. A puppet show, a put-toys-in-the-hole game, peek-a-boo, a slide over pillows game, a tunnel, drumming, jumping, and of course the favorite: collapsing-of-the-box game… we exhausted our cardboard box.

    Now I think I need a new brain.

    p.s. happy birthday Nick!