Big News!
I said I was going to do two things when I arrived here at the OMSHes’. I was going to create an SAJ 2011 calendar and finally finally finally put up a portfolio website. I’ve designed my website so many times and never finished it, it was silly. I’d start off with an idea and by the time I finished working out the design (three weeks later) I’d be so sick of it I never wanted to see it again. And that is why you guys never saw it.
Well, I accomplished both my goals. I have finished the SAJ calendar up to November (I’ll finish December when I actually design December’s banner) and I finished a portfolio website. TAH DAH!
Go click! Go get lost for a while and then come back here. I’ll wait.
So that’s that! I didn’t really go overboard with the design. It’s not anything new or ground-breaking, just a simple portfolio. I like to call my inspiration for this design: “GET IT DONE” with a side of “GET IT DONE OR ELSE.”
What I’m really happy with is the coding. I don’t know how to code. I’m not a programmer. I can’t do anything outside of Photoshop and Illustrator. But I do have friends who have husbands who are programmers with super duper mad skillz. I created the images and sliced them up and Jeremy wrote the code. I don’t even think he was familiar with php files but he read up on it, taught himself and then put the whole thing together in just a few nights. It would have been up sooner if I hadn’t dragged my feet on writing the rates-page copy and then made dozens of rounds of changes. That can be so exasperating, especially when all the mistakes are your own.
Anyway! It’s done! And so is the calendar. Probably in mid-December I’ll put it up here as a free pdf for my favorite readers to proof for me like last time. So if you don’t mind a calendar with a couple of typos you can save yourself a few bucks. Then when it’s all perfect I’ll put it in my shop.
I’d also like to formally announce that I’m working now. Pass it on!
And the Junk Mail Postcards go to…