• 15 minute posts,  BIG news

    Here’s a Thrilling Story

    Something is missing. My computer! Hard drive failure. No laptop for 3-5 days!!! Forced vacation.

    I’m typing this on my iPad and it’s so weird and small. Better than one-finger pecking on my phone but challenging none the less. So why am I doing this? Because my laptop died!! Complete and utter hard drive failure!

    You’ll notice there is no computer at my desk where I work. That’s because it’s gone!! And, yes, I am going through withdrawals.

    Don’t worry though, there is a somewhat happy ending to this story. Remember when you guys chastised me for not having a backup plan for my whole life/career that is stored on my laptop? (Imagine that post linked here.) Well, I listened to you! I have AppleCare and Carbonite and I think in 3-5 days I will have a new hard drive and will begin downloading all my lost work back onto my computer’s spanking new hard drive! So thank God I listened to you and that I have such kind and responsible commenters who talked sense into me!! You have saved me!!!!

    It’s probably too soon to celebrate but I am optimistic that I’ll be back in business by next week. In the meantime? FORCED VACATION!!

    Or maybe some sketching, mini-blind cleaning, sewing, receipt-adding-up for taxes etc…etc… I think this hiccup was just what the doctor ordered.

    If you need me, call me. Though I am checking email obsessively on my phone of course. I can’t be completely unplugged.

    p.s. Go back-up your hard drive.

  • BIG news,  my books

    Hey, Kitty Kitty!


    In case you haven’t heard, I have a new book out! It’s just an e-book for now but I think you’ll like it. It’s all black and super simple for early readers. Let me know if you’d like to review it and I’ll hook you up.

    I’m thinking maybe we need some black cat valentines this year…what do you think?