• preg-nuts

    It’s a Girl!

    We didn’t realize how much Toby wanted a boy until the ultrasound technician announced that she was 99% sure our baby was a girl. We were so excited, watching every little blurb of movement on the monitor with wide eyes. Look at those hands! Look at that belly! And then when the moment of decision arrived…it was like the wind just blew right out of Toby’s sails. I could almost hear him deflate.

    He just sunk down in his chair and said nothing. I didn’t know what to think. It was as if it was my birthday and I was opening a really pretty present with super cool fancy wrapping and then when I held up my gift to show Toby, it was like I was holding up a vacuum cleaner bag or an old shoe or something. It really bummed me out. In fact, it’s still bumming me out and I totally wanted a girl all along!

    Not to worry though, Toby wanted a girl too. He’s definitely going to love his little girl like no other, it’s just that he just wanted a boy first. He feels like he’s playing the lottery and if he could just win a boy first then the rest would be easy. Now with our odds, we’re thinking we might have to have eight more kids before we pop out a boy.

    I’m actually happy about it. I love girls. I’m most happy because that means we can name her the girl name we’ve picked out. I love our girl name! It’s so perfect. I was worried that if we didn’t use it right away, somebody else might snatch it up. And don’t get me started on boy names. Ugh! Toby has his heart set on a boy name that I just can’t stand. I mean I really really can’t stand it. It conjures up images of idiots. But I can’t think of a better one so I was going to have to default to his choice.

    So even though today is a little bit of a downer, cheers to my little baby girl who will be the most adorable baby ever! I mean, look at that profile! And she’s got shoulders too!

  • Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  preg-nuts

    Little Emster

    Remember my niece who was born way back in February? Well, look at her now! I can’t believe how much a baby changes in six months. It just makes me realize that in almost half the time I’m waiting for my baby to get here, my baby will be growing right out of that little baby stage. Amazing.

    I loved hanging out with the little Emster (that’s her nick name, more on that later) because I need all the baby practice I can get. I’ve been picking my sister-in-law’s brains for info on everything from postpartum blues to brands of nursing pumps to how much you really need to pack when you want to go somewhere. The learning curve for this motherhood stuff is huge! But I think I’m up for it.

    Toby and I have officially started the whole naming game. We’ve talked about names we liked since before we even got married. It’s always been a fun topic. But now, it’s exhausting! There are NO boy names out there that I like. None, zip, nada. We are both so picky. We bought the coolest name book (thanks to whoorl for the heads up on that) and read it from cover to cover. We’ve settled on a girl’s name, no problem, but we might have to change it now because we both agreed to keep it a secret and of course I blew it within the first 24 hours and told somebody. I’m the worst secret keeper EVER!

    We also agreed that I’m not allowed to put my baby’s name on this website ever. Bummer. I really wanted to follow my favorite mommy blogger’s and just lay it all out there but Toby put his foot down and said, absolutely not. I reluctantly agree with him. It’s okay if I advertise my identity for every thief to steal but it’s not really okay for me to advertise my kid’s, especially when I plan exploit them with a zillion cute pictures every day.

    So there it is. You’ll never get to know my baby’s name. I’m sad too. But don’t worry, I’ll have to come up with a very cute nickname. Right now I’m thinking “june-bug” or something like that. I’ve always wanted to call my baby some bug name. I think it’s cute. What a june bug has to do with a baby born in January I have no idea. Maybe for the sake of this site’s theme, I’ll call them “baby-spy”. We’ll see…

    That brings me around to the whole nicknaming of my little cutie-patootie niece up there. All little children will be nick named on this site from now on, so her mother gave me the honor of nicknaming her. Yikes! Can I do it? I’m having naming writer’s block these days. If it’s not coming up with a name for my kid, it’s coming up with a name for Toby’s Dad Cove. I’ve already struck out three times on a name for the Cove. What, you don’t like “Yannop (as in Ponnay backwards) Cove”? Come on!

    So I struggled with nicknaming little Emster. She has the biggest blue eyes you’ve ever seen and the creamiest of skin. I thought about calling her Peepers or Peaches… but decided on Emster instead. I think sometimes you have to just go with whatever comes first. Maybe I’ll change it later after her mom reads this and tells me it’s the stupidest nick name she’s ever heard.