• party party,  preg-nuts

    Party Hog

    Is it tacky that I just made and sent out my own shower invitations? I just couldn’t help myself. The hostess of the party was asking me what I would like and this and that… So I told her what I really really would like, would be to make my own invitations. Because that’s what I do! I make invitations. It’s fun and easy and I’m my own best customer because I know exactly what I want. How could I settle for store bought when I could make some in the perfect color and size and even with a real tea bag! I begged and pleaded.

    She reluctantly let me, on the grounds that it was a gift to me to let me make my own shower invitations. If I had my way, I’d plan and throw the whole party… but that is taking it too far. I’m such a party hog. Just the same, I am very excited about this party. It’s going to be a tea party with pink cup cakes. I love pink and I love cup cakes!

    I sort of like tea.

  • preg-nuts

    Ultrasound Number 2

    Say hello to my little girl! Everything appears to be normal according to ultrasound number two. The ultrasound technician said she was a “beautiful baby”. I was so proud. Look at those cheeks! Look at that scary eye!

    It’s kinda hard to see what’s what, I think things are getting a little squished in there. If you know what you’re looking at, you’ll see her profile and a fist and some ribs, and of course the scary eyeball orbit. Her eye doesn’t really look like that (though if she takes after me, it does), that’s just what the ultrasound waves bounce back. They look right through her skin and see the watery orb that is her eyeball. Spooky!