Take a trip down Hanukkah Lane
See what Bug and I have been up to lately? We made a tiny little Jewish neighborhood out of raisin boxes! I like to call it Menorah Village.
Sometimes I ski through town (in my one-armed snow suit) when I’m craving a pastrami on rye (which I never am because I don’t actually like rye bread, though I do like kosher pickles)! I bet you’re wondering about now if I’m Jewish. I’m not. I just play one on Alpha+Mom when they need a Hanukkah craft! It was fun. Go check it out! I think you’ll appreciate the picture of me at the end devouring my small city like Godzilla.
And then after that I will regal you with Christmas tales. Coming soon, that is.
Psssssssssst! Pass the soap, Bambi!
I’ve got a new post up at Alpha+Mom about making little tiny snow globe soaps! Go check it out. It was really fun and SUPER easy. Probably my easiest craft idea yet. If you’re the type who usually passes over my whacky craft ideas because they cause way more mess than they are worth, then you might want to try this one. Super easy, super quick and clean up isn’t any messier than doing a load of dishes.