15 minute posts,  place holder posts,  Slow News Day

the weekly check-in, a few days late


Monday got away from me and I don’t even remember what I was doing! Let me check. Hmm… nothing notable. I hired a virtual personal trainer, so that’s exciting. I had to quit the old trainer because it was just too expensive and I was totally bored. This new trainer does everything online and there are lots of modules and check-ins so it’s promising. So far all I’m doing is walking, which you know I love. My dad and I are walking every morning together virtually. We put our earbuds in and chat for an hour or so while we walk 2.5 miles. It’s great. We both get exercise and we talk about business and catch up.

Last Saturday my dad walked the 5K with me, except we didn’t do the 5K, we walked the 2 mile fun walk. It’s all pretty much the same but since my dad was worried about leg cramps (he has deep vein thrombosis and has really bad cramps when he overdoes) so we took it easy. I love the pomp and circumstance of a city 5K, everyone is out and happy. They have live music and restaurant row. It’s just so good to be out and about after a two year hiatus.


Speaking of out and about, Bug is all better! Her tastebuds seem to be extra sensitive and she tastes everything hesitantly like a pregnant woman going through morning sickness but she is officially covid-free. She is worried about brain fog but that could just be the family trait of worrying about everything. I hope so.


I sent my fabulous fiftieth birthday invitations out Tuesday so there’s no going back now. Time to hunker down to real planning now. Funny how thinking up the themes and ideas is so much more fun than putting out the money to make things happen smoothly. I did book my client’s margarita truck. I hope they taste good!

Bug and I have exciting plans today so I hope I’m back here soon to report!



  • Linda

    Glad Bug is recovering and is Covid free! I had Covid back in mid-January. It was the worst thing I have ever had to deal with. Just horrible!! Fortunately my taste or smell was midly affected, however the Covid brain-fog is REAL! It took me much longer to surpass and get past the brain-fog than it did anything else. I found extra rest and increase fluids helped.

  • Katie

    Birthday sounds amazing! Have fun planning and remember that people will show up because YOU are awesome, not that the table decorations are awesome. Although I’m sure they will be.

  • Martha

    Whoa, that jeans purse with Bug is a blast from my past (70s/80s!). I can’t tell you how many I made from old jeans. I’d further embellish with TONS of embroidery, funky trim, buttons, etc. I’d make for myself and as gifts for other. Hmmmm …. might be time to craft another :) Glad she’s doing better!

  • Gingermog

    Hi I hope Bug is over the sensitivity to foods by now, it took me a while for my appetite to pick up too. I loved receiving my invite although sadly I can’t attend. I just know your birthday arty is going to be fabulous fun and so stylish Its good to celebrate our time on tis earth. Love!

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